livery at Grange Farm, Wittering?


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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If anyone is a livery here could you please pm me with your thoughts on it? At the moment I am quite happily living in a little cottage with a housemate with my pony in a field 100m from my house, not great hacking due to busy roads but an arena I can use right across the road. It would be a big effort to up and move to a livery yard after having my own field to use!

However, my other half is understandably keen to get a place of his/our own, and having dragged him to jumpcross recently he thinks that would be a great location and can't see why I wouldn't want to put my pony on livery somewhere like that. I worry about not having enough freedom at a livery yard, working under someone elses rules, yard politics etc. The boyfriend doesn't understand this and I wondered what it would really be like.

What I want is safe hacking so I can get the pony fit, somewhere I can school and preferably loose school too so i can carry on trick training, and control over my turnout, so I can limit his grass intake but still turn out all year.

So I wondered if anyone had any thoughts on what it is like? Thanks! (also in regional)


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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My friend is liveried there and she loves it! Lots of competitions, clinics etc on site. Everyone seems to be happy with each other, hacking is great apparently, and a lovely big arena!