LIVERY in Bath/Bristol


Well-Known Member
6 November 2013
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EEk!! I know this has been done to death but LIVERY YARD HUNTING - it's going to kill me eventually!!

I have 5 ridden horses (competing at BD, BS and hopefully soon BE, as well as one happy hack) and 4 non ridden (a retired horse and three youngsters). I currently have them spread between three yards and want to consolidate - preferably renting a sole use yard - and have been hunting for over a year now, it's driving me nuts! I've got to the point that I would be ecstatic just to find a 10 acre field, an arena next door I can use, and a tack room and place to drink a cuppa..........sure, stables are great, but turnout is more important with my lot as the older ones have to keep moving, the younger ones are better off out, and two of the ridden ones go a little insane without turnout...but can I find anywhere? Nope!!

Oh yes...I dream of that nice little ten box yard with a wash down and a house on site for me to live in with hubby and groom...that indoor arena and that large outdoor...and the lunge pen...and the acres of turnout...and so on...but I can find LOADS of yard like this to rent in Surrey or Wales. The Bath and Bristol area? Not so much!!

Does anyone...ANYONE know of somewhere I can rent??? I've advertised...on Facebook and online...I've scoured the ads...I've even tried just calling every yard I can find to be met with various noises of dismissal.

Oh yes, I keep being told I could sell some horses and then life would be I sell one of the two with extreme trust issues who I have rehabilitated - they still are terrified of anyone else riding them and could easily end up in a bad no........ Do I sell my youngsters...who I paid quite a lot for and I *hope* will be my future dressage stars? (well, you never know...and even if I do sell them they are worth nothing now until they are backed in two years time!) Do I sell either of my competition horses? Or do I sell hubby's happy hacker horse....well I prefer to keep him as keeping him liking horses is kind of necessary!! And no way can I sell my old retired mare...bless her! So, stuck with 9. Any ideas, anyone?

Problem is, I'm self employed so currently can't afford to buy anywhere otherwise I'd be sucks sometimes :(

Okay so this ended up half as "does anyone know of anything I can rent" and half as "argh ranty ranty rantiness" but hopefully someone, somewhere will know of something...? I have a decent budget in mind, flexible depending on facilities....if it's a field with an arena that's fine, if it's somewhere with stables and a house for me and hubby and groom to live in then of course the budget goes up by quite a lot.

*crosses fingers and prays for a lottery jackpot win*