I really need to find a new home for my 3 horses. To stay in the Wetherby/Tadcaster/Harewood area. I need quiet hacking - can manage roads but can't hack out on an A road. Any suggestions please?
Thanks for the suggestion - I do know those 2 yards. I was more hoping to hear of smaller places perhaps that are not on many people's radar. I agree though - the hacking from Linton springs is lovely.
There used to be a small place off Trip Lane in Linton, no facilities but some stables and a field. I moved from the area 4 years ago though so not sure who has that now, might be worth a look. Is another farm up the road from Linton Springs, (towards Wetherby), Stockeld Lodge Farm. Only has about 10 boxes but again no school etc. Same hacking as Linton Springs but depends what you need.
I do need a school and some electricity as often there in dark. I am probably spoilt as I am at a yard with only 11, a good school and lighting. But I need individual turnout and that's not possible as my old fella's been badly beaten up and hounded by 2 other horses.
There used to be a riding school at Clifford Moor Farm, Boston Spa. It has now been bought out and is now a livery yard and dog kennels. I'm not sure if they have spaces but you could try them if you're still looking...