Livery options for a stallion


30 June 2010
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I am contemplating moving back to the UK , and more specifically to the Wariwckshire area, however a part of this would involve bringing my showjumping stallion with me. Even though he is rising 4, he is very well behaved, and is accustomed to being in a mixed yard with plenty of mares. He is stabled at night and is currently turned out during the day in a post/rail paddock with electric fencing close to both mares and geldings. Nevertheless, in spite of his temperament, I have heard that it is very dificult to find yards that accept stallions in the UK because of the risks and was wondering if this is true? Are there any yards in Warwickshire that accept stallions on part or full livery ? Or would I have to investigate keeping him on a professional´s or private yard ?

Any opinions or personal experience would be very much appreciated


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25 November 2005
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I think the best idea would be to use your contacts and people you already know in the show jumping world, as they are far less likely to be alarmed at the thought of a show jumping stallion. I don't know what country you are in at present, but there is quite a lot of interaction between the UK and the continent, with buying and selling horses.

Have you checked out how much the affiliation fees are for stallions for BS, quite high I believe, with a young horse.


30 June 2010
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Yeah, I have been told that basing myself at a professional's yard might be the best option as usually at that level, stallions are less of a novelty. Am not that familiar with Showjumpers based in Warwickshire/West Midlands area though...would need to do some research. In terms of BS registration, I have had a look and membership for horses appears to be based on level, not gender. But even if it was marginally more expensive for a stallion, the cost would be justified with him. And in retrospect, I am sure it wont be anywhere near the cost it is going to take to fly him from South America to the UK lol


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19 April 2008
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The Edgars are nearby, a friend of mine kept her showjumper with them for a while and rated them really highly. May be worth getting in touch.


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27 August 2010
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There's quite a few showjumpers in Warwickshire, depending on which part of the county you end up in and at what level you ride at/aspire to.

Names that come to mind that could/do accomodate stallions include: Jamie Wingrove ; Matthew Cartmell, Carron Nicol ; Edgars as previously advised; Skelton ; also Pat Ruck several other lower level competitors who are GOOD horse people that I would trust to help oversee bringing on a youngster.

There are many other yards (event yards) that would take on a stallion, assuming well-mannered and if you are prepared to pay full livery. If you require DIY you will definitely struggle to find somewhere; part livery will not be as hard as DIY to find, but not as easy as full.

Which country are you coming from?


30 June 2010
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Thank you so much for all the suggestions ! Very helpful :) I had come across a few of those during my internet searches but the majority seem to focus on sales or competition livery, neither of which is what I need. But might be worth contacting them regardless to enquire regarding part or full livery possibilities and training support as well when needed. And would be bringing him from Chile :p