livery update - plus pics


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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OK so went down today all psyched up to have it out with them about the water, feeding, turnout etc. arrived and the haylage still hadn't been delivered, they ran out on Friday night so that's almost 2 full days no can see from these pics he's looking a little thin and the 'paddock' is all he's ever turned out in as they haven't fenced yet....

and this was him end July after a week of really hard work at pc camp and during his first ODE (the sunday after camp)

then one of the YO's offered me a jumping lesson - am crap at jumping but Sid's well able if a bit green - we did lots of cavaletti work and ended up jumping 95cm from trot and canter....was totally delighted with him and me and know if I had regular lessons from the YO we'd come on in leaps and bound BUT I can't leave him there...when I mentioned he was getting thin they said he's losing fat and building muscle...then suggested giving him some high protein stuff to give him more 'zing'...JUST GIVE HIM ENOUGH HAYLAGE PLEASE>>>

GOD I HATE THIS, but I am my own worst enemny by not having it out with them properly...seeing another yard tomorrow night - fingers crossed


two days with no haylage - you must have the patience of a saint.......i go mad if there isn't any when i want it and get impatient after waiting 15mins if there wasn't any when i wanted it!!!!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
I'm sorry but you need to move asap. Anyone who runs out of haylage only has to go to the nearest merchant or feedstore and chuck some in their car to put them on, why haven't they done that?
I would be very upset to see my horse without water, they can survive of course on grass but without water? And horses should have enough food to keep them eating until the early hours, if the haylage is too rich, mix it with old hay for bulk..
No, get out of there, your horse won't thrive..


Well-Known Member
2 May 2006
Toulouse, France
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MOVE ! Find another yard and then have it out with them. If they can't run their yard the right way, they probably never will and anything you might say won't make a difference.
Just do it to get it off your chest.
The most important is your horse's well being and health but don't blame yourself ! And good luck on finding another yard


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Losing fat & building muscle.....crap......if he's losing weight then he's probably losing condition. There is no excuse for not having haylage/hay available. If the delivery does not arrive for whatever reason it is easy enough to go off & pick up a few bales to get you through. In fact to be honest if it had happened to me, apart from telling the YO that I'm not happy I would have gone off & got hay/haylage myself to see me through. I couldn't leave my lad without it. You can't get by by just giving hard feed, his gut needs the forage.
With the problems you seem to be having you need to be off that yard, get searching for the right yard quick & get out of there.
The YO is a disgrace, no fencing, no water, no haylage & he'll end up with no liveries. Nice way to run a business....into the ground.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
19 March 2004
I know i saw him in early june, and he looked alot better than that. Im sorry but 2 days with no haylage?? Good nite.

No 1, how come I can manage to keep hay in for 6 horses and know that oh its running out, I should order some more.

No 2. If u run out then Im sure this place being in the heart of the racing country there are plenty of places nearby where some could have been bought to tide them over!!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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What are you waiting for? Get him out NOW! I would have torn strips off the YO days ago. There would also be no way I would be paying them full whack either. Aside from horses going with hay and water - advising people to up the protein levels of their horses diets to substitute no fibre - do they know how dangerous that is? Muppets.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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if yard tomorrow night isn't right then I have somewhere local i can go - she won't school but has a nice enough small set up and a small floodlit sand arena...I really would rather someone who could school because I have to work late a lot and feel as a youngster he needs someone better than me to bring him on BUT I'm not waiting past Tuesday to find somewhere and move him so fingers crossed - as someone suggested I can always try and find a freelance instructor for lessons


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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There are lots of good registered instructors that will travel to see you. If this other place has a floodlit school then at least you can ride at night a couple of times a week even if you do work long hours - having lessons will keep you on the right track. If you stay where you are your horse will lose condition and will become sour in his work as he is hungry and no doubt will have a sore tummy as he is not getting the fibre he needs. Last thing you want is a lovely young horse developing a gastric ulcer because these people are incompetent.
Having been a yard manager in a previous life our idea of full livery was very different from what these people seem to think it means. If owners were paying for exercise then the horse was worked 4 days a week according to what their plans were for the weekend - if they were eventing the horse would get a canter midweek for example. When owners were away the horses were worked 6 days.......goes without saying no horse was ever left without hay/water. Each horses hay was weighed to ensure they always received the same amount - and upped as soon as we thought they needed more. Late checks at 10pm helped us monitor who was finishing up quickly and so their ration was adjusted. Move on Tuesday and you can stop worrying about all of this.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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Get out asap and in the meantime can't you buy your own horse some haylage?

[/ QUOTE ]

that was what i was thinking...what sort of livery are you on?


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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Am on full livery and they told me Sat morning the haylage was being delivered on Sat afternoon so by Sunday am when it obviously hadn't been delivered I was a bit finally turned up on Sunday evening....

anyway....decision made....went to see the second yard tonight.....yard is not posh by any stretch of the imagination but the girl (Eventer) runs it with her sister, came as a recommendation, has a 25 x 40 floodlit sand arena, cross country course, she gives lessons Tuesdays or Weds night, has a top eventing bod locally who will give lessons, two or three RC people like me with horses there, I arrived at 7.30 and all the horses were snugs as bugs with lots of hay etc. (big barn filled to the roof with round bales actually), turnout every day - either all day or for 4 hours morning or evening depending on weather and whether horse is ok to turn out with other horses.
She'll ride him herself 6 days a week if I need her to and if I want to drop back to just livery no schooling that's no problem price will drop. They go clear round jumping locally on a Friday night (she loads up the lorry) and hunts most sundays with a small local pack and is happy to bring me if I fancy it....
I'm afraid at the moment I just have to go with my gut and it tells me she's the best option. It takes me half an hour from the train station and twenty minutes from my house....

Sid had no water or haylage when I arrived tonight and hadn't been turned out....mind you most other horses had at least some left so maybe he's a piggy???? I hardly think they'd give him less??? Anyway I gave him some and turned him just have to find someone with a trailer to move him for me....and decide how/when to tell them