Livery yards. So you move if you aren't happy, but what if

Is it acceptable for a YO to ask you to leave if they are not happy with you?

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Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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...the YO isn't happy?
Do you think that they have the same right to ask someone to move on?


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Yes, though if it was without good reason (just that they didn't like you!) you might feel a little peeved!

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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I have asked liveries to leave, one after she had an affair and moved in with with another owners hubby.Its a small yard and the atmosphere was not good, so she was told to find somewhere else, I was surprised that she did not want to go and felt she could just stay on and bring him down with her at the weekends:eek:.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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I have asked liveries to leave, one after she had an affair and moved in with with another owners hubby.Its a small yard and the atmosphere was not good, so she was told to find somewhere else, I was surprised that she did not want to go and felt she could just stay on and bring him down with her at the weekends:eek:.
oooo errrrr not nice


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Yes, so long as they give notice, then they don't even have to give a reason. It is often their home too, so having someone there who they don't like or who makes trouble is untenable. If any of my liveries made me feel bad when they were around, then I would give them notice without a doubt. Luckily my liveries are all lovely and hopefully they think I am too.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Of course they can. If they do it without a decent reason then they'll probably create some bad feeling because the other liveries will wonder who's next - but that's the YOs problem isn't it? But the person who owns/manages the place is quite within their rights to give someone notice for any reason they like. Who would think otherwise?!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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The question was following on from a conversation that I was having this morning, thought I'd see what the general concensus of opinion was. Thankyou for your opinions :)


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Out of interest only, I am curious to know the reasoning for the poster who said No.
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Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Absolutely. Bad liveries make life unpleasant and cause good clients to leave.
Some clients make YO's lives a misery.

Good point. One livery yard I was on was brilliant and we (clients) were really happy. But then YO took on a group of liveries who had left another yard en mass. They were a really noisy and anoying rabble. No problem for me as I was a 'day person' and they were 'evening people' but my two friends who spent every evening up there were made very unhappy. The yard was no longer a place where they could relax and they decided to leave. I went with them because they were my friends and hacking partners. I remember the lovely YO being really upset when we left. We gave our reasons. A few weeks later we heard that YO had marched into the barn and yelled at the 'rabble', telling them to get out as she'd had enough and they had driven out her best clients. They all left within a month, but had caused considerable damage to YO's pocket!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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Yes absolutely. Some people just don't get along, no fault of either. Of course there are people who don't get along with fault on one side - but these things can't be helped.

I'd expect not to be bad mouthed if I was asked to leave because we didn't get on - as strokes for folks!


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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...the YO isn't happy?
Do you think that they have the same right to ask someone to move on?

I voted yes as they are people just the same as liveries are. Liveries can and do move if they are not happy with other liveries, the yard or yard owner so why not the other way around. The yard owner can't really move ( unless they sell up or rent out the yard) so what other choice do they have if they are unhappy with a livery other than ask them to leave.
I think sufficient notice should be given though even if just a week as I know yard's that only require a week's notice so the notice should depend on what is already arranged or be at the discretion of yard owner if not.
I do think a reason should be given though, even if not totally the truth as liveries move for all sorts of reasons and don't always give the truthful reason so as not to upset, burn bridges and so on.
If the reason is the horse though and not the person themselves then unless the horse is dangerous or has caused a major injury to someone ( either horse gone mad or unresponsible owner) then I think that both parties should try and work it through. For instance horse kicking door/stable, not getting on with other horses or being disrepectful of fences. I am not saying that people could necessarily be asked to leave on those grounds but have seen posts whereby people have said that they have asked horses such as that to leave, although they didn't say how much they had tried to work with the owner and their horse.
But in a nutshell yes, the yard owner has every right to ask someone to leave, but there must be sufficient grounds in my opinion.
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Horse servant
2 December 2010
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This. It's only happened twice to me (that I have asked someone to leave) and both times it ended up with me not feeling comfortable walking out onto my own yard :(

I have had two like that. The first one was not the woman, but her husband who she always brought to the yard. He was a total control freak and would pull me aside 'to have words' on a frequent basis. Once was because he liked the horse to wear a particular rug depending on the date of the year. So horse would have her heavy weight one from mid November, regardless of whether it was freezing or 15 degrees! She was on full livery and one day I found her sweating cobs under her rug so changed it to a light weight. When they arrived that evening he gave me a good talking to about the fact that she would wear that rug regardless from 15th November to 15th March, at which time I was to change it to her middle weight. Another time his wife had been worrying about a black growth in her forelock. I mentioned it to the vet when she came to give her jabs and vet said it looked like a melanoma and to ask the owner to contact them to discuss and perhaps arrange a biopsy. When I told the owner and she told her husband, again I was given one of his talking tos and told that it was nothing and to mind my own business. Perhaps he was right on that one, but most of my other clients would have thanked me. The final straw came when he complained about every companion that I tried his mare with. I told him that the mare she was with was the last one and I could not change it again. She was the most docile mare and the two horses got on famously. He complained that she had attacked him in the field. She would never do that. Then I caught him throwing things at her whilst his partner rode in the menage and so I gave him his marching orders. He said they were leaving in any case. :rolleyes: The only thing that stopped me asking them to leave well before that was that his horse and his wife were so lovely. But when he arrived on the yard my stress levels would go through the roof and I had started to think that it was not right that some one should make me feel like that on my own yard.