Well-Known Member
I’ve just found this forum! Never scrolled down far enough before. My husband want us to move to France. There’s just the 2 of us plus my horse & pony. He’s not horsey but is a francofile. I’ve agreed to consider it if there is good off road hacking preferably directly from ‘our property’ as I don’t do road work - too dangerous . In the UK I compete at dressage & riding club activities but both me & the nags are getting older & I would like to hack more than once a month (have to box to off road riding at present) as well as do a bit of dressage etc. We are looking at Brittany but would consider other areas with similar weather. We don’t like hot weather. Any advice / suggestions would be welcome. I’ll just add we want an equestrian home for ourselves. We are not interested in any type of business opportunity.