Llanybydder horse sale


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7 January 2012
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I'm looking to buy a project horse at the January Llanybydder horse sales and was just wondering if anyone could give me their experience of the sales and any approximate guide prices?


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29 April 2010
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Total and utter chaos. There are 2 rings. You will want ring 1, this is the one nearest the burger van! Ring 2 is for unhandled, non halter broken, mostly ponies and gypsy cobs. Lots of mares with rather scared foals at foot :(. Ring 1 can have anything going through it as long as it is halter broken. It is probably the biggest variety of horses you will see, some lovely animals go through as well as the not so great. Be prepared for our friends of the travelling variety riding them round the sale ring bareback, no hat and trainers. It is a big gypsy event. You need to be fairly robust if you know what I mean or you will end up bringing quite a few home because you feel sorry for them. If you can brave it you could find something really nice there. If you are not mega experience though (don't know from your post :) ) Take someone who is. Good luck! :)

ETA - prices are on the low side, little colts can go for 20/30 quid. However, a nice hunter going through would fetch 1K plus. Totally depends on the day and who wants it
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7 January 2012
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Thankyou Starbar your information was just what I was looking for! I have heard that it is not for the faint hearted, I can certainly see me sitting on my hands a lot of the time.
I have had horses for a good few years but I will certainly be taking someone with me, two heads are better than one!


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27 February 2009
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i know this is totally irrelevant, but i was born and brought up in the area many moons ago, and it is so sad that this auction has turned into this. when i was younger it was the only place to take a horse for sale or buy a decent one. the farmers used to take their sheperding ponies, or the trekking centres used to take any surplus horses. all local breeders used to sell their horses there. we sold a few nice animals, one a lovely mare went to a hippie with a shoulder bag full of cash!!! and i bought my first horse a 6month old foal, i had so much fun with him! how times change eh!
good luck, what are you looking for?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2009
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would be interested to hear your views once you have been to the sales, im moving to the area in a few months and would be looking to buy a project from the sales


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25 October 2011
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Dear OP
I lived in this beautiful part of Wales for many years, and rarely missed a sale. It is a fantastic day out, really horsey with lots of bargains if you are experienced. In all, over a 10 year period, I think we had 13 black or piebald 2-4 year olds, usually black cob x shires and every one was great. We bought them all to bring on, and some of them made big money for us. One was a real stunner, and I even made the main ring of the Royal Welsh in the hunter class, and we didnt come last!!!
Trick123, its still a great day out. I even travel down from Midlands some months. It would be where I would buy from if I wanted to "bring on".

One month, my mother was driving to the sales, and she passed a real sight of a thin, run down piebald mare hacking along a VERY busy road, to be sold. Mum saw her in her pen and said to the girl selling her,
"Well, shes either 4 or 24. If she's 4 I'll have her". Yep, mum bought the poor thin girl, well lets just say 2 years later I was placed at the National Side Saddle Champs on her. We also drove her all over the West Midlands.

I could go on and on about the bargains we had there. Definitely worth a chance as long as you are very competent.

Moggy in Manolos

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8 March 2006
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I grew up in west Wales and regularly went to this sale, year after year.
I bought my beloved horse of a lifetime from there, she was a complete superstar for 19yrs for me.

We also purchased another young mare, 4yr old dales x cob who was a real gem, both we purchased for a bargain and both were truly wonderful mares.
We actually purchased my Seren outside the ring as she did not sell, how lucky was I! So my parents bought her outside the ring and they delivered her home for us that day,they were Irish gypsy's, she cost £650,she was a beautiful bargain
Mollie was £900, bought through the ring but worth it. she was just lovely in every way, wonderful riding mare, a lovely broodmare and a pleasure to handle, just like Seren.

I my go this month too, a bit of a drive but if I get nothing I would like to go, its been a very long time since I have frequented the sale.
But as said before me and I agree, you can find some wonderful horses there in amongst some very sad souls


Active Member
7 January 2012
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Trick 123: I'm looking for something around 15hh and between 3-6 years old really, Ideally broken and in need of bringing on but would consider unbroken if something catches my eye.

I'll put a new post up when I've been JazTaz to let you know what I found?