Local Showing Turnout Help Please


Well-Known Member
22 June 2009
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Hi everyone :)
Im thinking of taking my coloured cob to a local fun day to do a few showing classes as a bit of experience for him! Nothing serious and more a bit of fun but it gets him out!

The classes are:

In hand Piebald/Skewbald
Hairy Beasties
Ridden Piebald / Skewbald

I realise these are total numpty classes so i appologise, showing is NOT my thing and i thought it would be good for him since he has never been out.

What tack should i be using, and what clothing do i need? Also what is required in the in hand class?

Many thanks for help with my numpty questions! :)


Well-Known Member
9 October 2009
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First off the ridden and inhand coloured classes are not numpty classes , be careful you might offend someone !

Also pop into comp riders there is a thread running in there that will help re showing turn out

Good luck


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
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For a fun show, use whatever you have. As long as you are clean and tidy.

But if you wanted to be correct. Hacking jacket, navy velvet hat, shirt and tie, beige jods and black boots for the ridden. Black trousers (assuming he has white legs) for the in hand. Show cane and brown leather gloves

For the horse, plain unstitched hunter bridle, double or pelham and a straight cut show saddle.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2009
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First off the ridden and inhand coloured classes are not numpty classes , be careful you might offend someone !

Also pop into comp riders there is a thread running in there that will help re showing turn out

Good luck

Good point Ladylina i didnt mean it that way, i meant hairy beasties!! Not the in hand class at all ive just put it across wrong - sorry if anyone gets offended! Not my intention!

The show is just a family fun show at my local centre so nothing "serious" and i really know nothing about showing so im sorry if my naiivety offends unintentionally! :)


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
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Good point Ladylina i didnt mean it that way, i meant hairy beasties!! Not the in hand class at all ive just put it across wrong - sorry if anyone gets offended! Not my intention!

The show is just a family fun show at my local centre so nothing "serious" and i really know nothing about showing so im sorry if my naiivety offends unintentionally! :)

Dont worry about it, I consider the "nicest tail" and "bonny pony" to be numpty classes but some people take them VERY seriously :D :D


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24 November 2011
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what tack do you have? for local fun showing, anything goes really- a clean and tidy leather (preferably but synthetic perfectly acceptable if thats all you have) saddle and a clean, neat bridle- cobs are usually shown in a (slightly wider than hunter usually) flat bridle, but if you dont have one thats OK (derby house do have one on sale for under £30 at the moment!)

there are some pics on here- http://www.bspaonline.com/types-breeds.html to help you out, but id say as long as your tack is all the same colour, just go have fun! you can do the in hand in your ridden bridle, so no need for an in hand one.

if he is full mane/tail/feather, just make sure he's clean... if he's hogged and clipped out just make sure it's done a couple of weeks ahead so you dont have that 'just clipped' look!

in hand, you will all walk around together, then the steward will stop you in a corner usually, and ask you to trot on when you're at the front. trot all the way to the end of the line, dont hold on too close to the mouth so you give him his freedom to trot out with his head straight, so practice at home, not forgetting about the corners... trotting in a straight line is all well and good until you cant turn (voice of experience here...!!) once everyone has gone round, you'll be pulled in to a line up (either in judge's initial preference or all in together) and when it's your turn, walk smartly out of the line, stand up for the judge (facing the way you will be trotting) and try to make him stand 4 square (easier said than done...!) the judge will ask some questions, then either ask you to walk away and trot back, or trot away and trot back. when you get to the end of your walk or trot away, turn him to the right (away from you) as tightly as you can and once in a straight line (heading straight at the judge... they will move... usually!! :D ) then past the judge and to the back of the line, where you retake your place. at the end of the individual, everyone will be asked to walk on, and the placings pulled in from the second walkaround.

You'll be fine in a tweed (if you have one) or a showing jacket, light jods and shirt and tie with long boots if you have them. In hand, i swop the boots and jods for cream cords and short boots with lots of grip... dont forget a belt if the trews are a bit big so as to avoid your father taking pics like this... while the horse poses for the camera 100 yards away...! have a great time... take pics!



Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
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katastrophykat, she is showing a coloured, so its legs are probably white. Your light coloured cords wouldn't work, she would need dark trousers.


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26 May 2008
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Pretty much what everyone else is saying, but try and go for navy trousers rather than black. Black is pretty much a no-no if the show ring if you can possibly avoid it (though at local level it won't make a huge difference except in tack and turnout classes).

Try charity shops for things you don't have. All 3 sets of in-hand trousers I have are from oxfam, as is my tie!

Good luck and enjoy it! It's supposed to be fun afterall :)


Well-Known Member
29 March 2011
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Sorry to hijack your thread OP (makes more sense than making another!!)

Can someone give me some idea of what my tack + turnout should be for ridden veteran? Perhaps also ridden cob?

My boy is a ginger cob with three white socks + a white blaze. He was hogged last summer and has just enough mane to do some small plaits. He currently has some feather that I will whiten up.

What bridle should I have and what numnah? I have a brown tweed jacket, beige jods + black boots, is that ok?

Advice welcomed!! Xx


Well-Known Member
22 June 2009
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Thanks everyone, some very interesting help!
We only have a wintec dressage or a wintec gp, theyre both black. Hes currently in a black flash bridle and a fulmer snaffle. Is this ok? What numnah / saddle cloth should we be using as he normally has a white sheepskin one (mainly to help slipping as hes a barrel!).

yes he does have white legs, in fact this is him.

He has all his hair and feathers on, but currently a muddy yucky mess, any strong products i should cover him in, to get him remotely white? Wish it was summer again!!!
Hes only 5 and just broken this summer so just wanting to take him out somewhere, his main task for future times is dressage!!

Many thanks youre all superstars :D

Cobiau Cymreig Wyllt

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17 September 2011
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the judge will ask some questions


what kinds of questions do they ask.....???? I probably won't actually get around to it this year, but in the unlikely event I do, this is probably one of the parts where I will open my mouth and nothing will come out....:eek:

PS lovely shiny show-horsie...that will also be me, caught hitching up me pants on camera - sympathy!!


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
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I personally would use the dressage, a straighter cut shows off the shoulder. Numnah would be better black and sticking out from the saddle as little as possible. If the white one is not too obvious it will be fine.

Does the nose strap come off the flash, it would be better without it. A plain snaffle would be better than a fulmer if you have one.

But at the end of the day, enjoy, if you do well and want to continue you can collect what you need slowly.


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10 January 2006
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As for getting him clean, personally I am a big fan of clippers, zap the lot and hog :D :D

Assuming you dont want to do that, bath several times the day before, if he is not a sensitive soul I use Fairy Liquid.

Final bath use something like Supreme Blue Rinse, it gives a blue white effect and kills the yellow.

Then cover in vast amounts of chalk.

Day of the show brush out the chalk and then add lots more :D :D

A bit of show shine on the black bits and you wont recognise him :D :D


Well-Known Member
22 June 2009
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Ooh forgot to ask, what is the best way to train to trot in hand? He is quite a plod in hand (far more feisty under saddle!) I dont want to be attempting to trot dragging him behind me!
He is also rather nervous of flapping and waving, we got him straight from the gypsies and he was badly treated!


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
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Would he tolerate a long schooling whip in your hand. We taught ours carrying a long whip in the left hand and just tapping ponies bum gently round your back if you see what I mean.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2009
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Would he tolerate a long schooling whip in your hand. We taught ours carrying a long whip in the left hand and just tapping ponies bum gently round your back if you see what I mean.

Thanks Rockysmum ill have to have a go! Ill see what he thinks of that, maybe its that i dont have to touch him with it. He is so suspicious of things though he doesnt like to be patted just rubbed and scratched. His old owner was a fan of the blue pipe on the bum / round the head handling method - poor boy!


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
In the wrong place
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Hi everyone :)
Im thinking of taking my coloured cob to a local fun day to do a few showing classes as a bit of experience for him! Nothing serious and more a bit of fun but it gets him out!

The classes are:

In hand Piebald/Skewbald
Hairy Beasties
Ridden Piebald / Skewbald

I realise these are total numpty classes so i appologise, showing is NOT my thing and i thought it would be good for him since he has never been out.

What tack should i be using, and what clothing do i need? Also what is required in the in hand class?

Many thanks for help with my numpty questions! :)

Is that at Port Royal by any chance?


Well-Known Member
22 June 2009
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Ooooh a competitor! ;) haha!
We arent so hairy - so not sure if we will be doing this or not, but really, it doesnt matter what we enter as its just his first trip out that is more important! :)

Good luck, we will root for you and your hairies! :)