Locking Hind legs


Well-Known Member
24 April 2010
the yard
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At work we have x 2 minatures (mother and daugter) and both of them have problems with there hind legs locking up, its horrible to see and they make a horrible crack when they free them selves up, the daughter seems to be worse but she will canter round dragging her leg. She doesnt seemed bothered and the worse lock I have timed has lasted 6mins on the daughter and 4 of the mum. Anyone seen anything like it? Any advice?


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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Yes person on yard horse had this.As said above fixation of the patella.There is an op they can get.She was also advised to keep him fit to help the muscles support the leg.
It was horrible watching the leg drag.In the end she sent it back to dealer she had bought it from.
Not sure how that would work for miniture shetlands tho.


Well-Known Member
26 May 2010
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As above, it's usually to do with poor hind leg conformation with the leg being very straight/upright, hence why it is genetic. Mild cases can be solved by correct management in the form of exercise, lots of hacking on roads, trotting in straight lines & jumping, surprisingly! More serious cases will require an operation in which they cut the ligament around the stifle I believe. Some horses will also grow out of it, usually by about 5.

I have a standardbred mare who had it very mildly when she first came, due to her being worked incorrectly. With rest, proper work and time to mature (she's only 5), it has gone completely and she leads a normal active life :) Whether she has grown out of it or whether it has gone due to management, who knows.

More serious cases will require the op, and should be looked at by a vet as the condition can be very distressing. The op will not affect the horse apart from, they won't be able to sleep standing up, and they are more susceptible to arthritis in latter years.

A way to release a horse when it is 'locked up' is to back them up, but it will not stop it happening again.

Loads of vids on youtube.