(long) Knobberts update/1st-lesson-since-injury-report, for anyone who's interested!

Trish C

Well-Known Member
27 February 2011
body in Norn Iron, heart in Co Clare!
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Finally managed to have my first lesson in about three months today! I went away to Japan in October for 10days, came back and got on Monty Knobberts... and he bucked me straight off again! He wasn't lame to see but had chiro out to him immediately (she happened to be coming that evening anyways) and sure enough he'd damaged his stifle. So a long period of rest followed, then gentle lunging/groundwork to build him back up again.

When I was ready to get back on, he threw a shoe :rolleyes: Jillian (sheep) came to ride him in December, I schooled him a couple of times then the weather turned so between that, one thing and another, today was my first 'proper' day back on him.

Day didn't start off too well with three dramas that resulted in a yard full of very unsettled, wired horses! YO (with whom I was sharing the lesson) and I contemplated whether we should be even contemplating getting on the horses with the day as it had been, but we eventually giggled our way through it and into the lesson.

Knobberts settled fairly quickly after a bit of a hairy moment when I got on, but then once he was working he only had a few moments of tank-age, one sneaky twisty-buck in left canter, and the odd moment of contemplating a nap towards the gate or YO's horse. In fairness to him though, whenever I asked him firmly to go, he did so with minimal fighting - an improvement from before the break where we were having regular fights about him napping towards other horses.

Super-instructor was brilliant as ever, we did lots of transitions, worked on getting him using his back-end. Lots of changes of bend, flexion, working on getting me riding more leg-hand and supporting him more in corners. Transitions between and within paces, then leg-yielding. She said he looks to be softer over his back and in the contact since his time off, and he definitely felt it :)

Photo quality not amazing and camera died after a relatively short while so no pics of canterwork... but probably a good thing cos it wasn't great! :p

CC - with the emphasis on constructive - welcome, but I know I have loads to work on. This was my first time riding properly in 3months and I definitely know it! My hands, which are normally quite good, had a mind of their own today, but my leg position looks a bit better than the last time I saw pics of myself. Basically, I'm a complete numpty but I am trying to improve! :D

Pootling around trying to remember how to ride at all...

Having a stretch


Mild tankage when YO's horse approached...


Then we worked on pushing him on down the long side, half-halt, then balancing for the corner...


Prob my favourite pic of the day... if you can see through the fence rails, actually showing proper extension, woop!

And he showed signs of self-carriage in trot :)

So all-in-all still absolutely loads to work on til I'm even half-decent, but am happy with how he's come back. Hopefully we're back on track now :)

Am on a diet to lose another 2 stone so can only offer boring healthy food :p

Trish C

Well-Known Member
27 February 2011
body in Norn Iron, heart in Co Clare!
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Thanks Rhino! I'm slowly getting there, bless him for being so 'patient'... although I'm getting better at handling his knob-moments as well ;)

Tazz - thank you! Was pleasantly surprised when I saw the pics, and super-instructor mentioned that she thought I looked like I'd lost weight as well. Happy face! :D

Knickerless_black_horse - someone said something about that, but I thought that in the wild monkeys rode the horses? With side reins, spurs and two whips at a time... in rollkur? :D

Trish C

Well-Known Member
27 February 2011
body in Norn Iron, heart in Co Clare!
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:D rollkur is the only way you can stop ;)

Oh THAT'S how to stop! Must try that then, his halt on the track is still a little, errrr... dubious :D (that said his ones off the track are now excellent!)

Sheepy one - thank you! I think he still resents the browband... but I still resent the dent those destroyed rugs made in my purse. You'll have to come and ride him again soon :)


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5 November 2010
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I was just wondering today about Monty Knobberts....spooky!

Youre both looking great! I cant offer any crit or comment...i cant ride at all (ive come to the conclusion that my boy would probably be better off with the 8 year old you can ride him properly :mad:)

Knobberts is looking relaxed and happy....and you ride him beautifully ps. you are looking gorgeous you skinny minnny you!:D


Well-Known Member
2 September 2011
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Hi Trish. I think your position looks great and Monty looks like he is having fun too, concentrating on what he is doing in some of the pics and ears pricked forward in another. Well done. I bet it feels good to have this day under your belt!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2010
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Your to hard on yourself ;) Your position looks great!! I love how you refer to him as Knobberts hehe he's looking good, love his cute fluffy face :p Has he started casting yet? Mine has :eek: and in reference to the wired horses on your yard ... I think it was in the air, mine was prancing and dancing along on our hack lol

Trish C

Well-Known Member
27 February 2011
body in Norn Iron, heart in Co Clare!
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Aw thank you all, yous're all very generous and forgiving! :D

As long as he's happy, that's the main thing. Going to start getting him out hacking again as he hasn't seen the outside world since his injury and he's beginning to get a bit antsy in other behaviours because of it. Hopefully going out either ridden or in-hand today, depending on the weather :)

NicoleS - no not yet! Their field is very exposed so they're still getting wicked cold winds across it, though obviously there is shelter available. Though luckily he's not too hairy on his back, and his neck isn't as fluffy this year as when I got him. Legs and belly are very furry though and the belly is peeing him off (uber-ticklish and I think he's finding it itchy, makes grooming hell) so would actually be a good thing if he started there!

Something was definitely in the air... our yard is usually very quiet and undramatic (apart from Monty :rolleyes: ) but yesterday we had three very lucky escapes for horses/people! :eek:

Trish C

Well-Known Member
27 February 2011
body in Norn Iron, heart in Co Clare!
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Knickerless_black_horse - you can have him, he's looking for a new home anyways as I was exceptionally cruel to him today... he came up out of the field absolutely covered, every square inch even UNDER his rug - evil genius - in thick, wet mud. So I turned the hose on him and groomed him til he gleamed. Which he absolutely hated :D

whr - thank you :) I think he did actually quite enjoy being back doing something again!


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7 October 2004
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Ms Trish C what photos were you looking at? Because like everyone else I see someone who is riding a ginger Knobbler very well - good position etc and had him going very nicely considering you've both had a 3 month break!

PS well done on the loosing weight effort you look great(er)!