Long reining


Well-Known Member
8 August 2011
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Is it much better for horses than lunging?
My mare doesnt work very well on the lunge at all, she really needs to learn to hold herself and work properly not just run round like a giraffe!
I have long reined a baby before, but this was years ago.

If anyone could give me some tips on how to get her to work best, and how to introduce it to her? anywhere good on the internet I could read up about it would be great too!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2008
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Yes, much, much better. Long lining on a circle anyway, its like lunging but with two lines.

I tack up fully (or you can use stirrups on a roller), take the reins off your bridle and fasten the stirrups underneath the belly with an old stirrup leather so they're not flapping around too much. I just run each line straight through the stirrup iron and to the bit and I'm good to go.

If your horse has never had lines behind her before, I would introduce it by starting with one line attached to her headcollar and gradually gently dropping the line behind her the opposite side from you then asking her to turn away from you (the line will put pressure on her quarters as well as her head which can upset some horses if they aren't used to it). If she reacts well to this I'd just repeat a few times on each side, if she get upset by it I'd just practise gently dropping the line around her legs etc until she is okay with it.

It can take a while to get the hang of having two lines. I never hold them tight, I have them on a nice loose contact so the horse has to carry himself. I also just have them loose and not in loops so I can run my hands down easily. I would start off just in walk with a quiet horse until you get the hang of it. To speed up I shake the line behind them, you can guide them in or out with your inside and outside lines, it really takes practise though, once you start trotting you might find yourself all over the place with a very snakey horse. To change direction (don't attempt this in trot until you're very good at it!) slide your hand down your outside line to take a hold and ask for the turn, as they start to turn let your inside line (your new outside line) slip through your hand until they've completed the turn.

I love long lining on a circle, it is brilliant for them if done properly, teaches self carriage etc. Its also fun when you can turn them in trot and you can see how balanced and agile they're becoming.