Long-term Abscess and Stiffness Issues


Well-Known Member
3 June 2020
South West, England
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Hi, just looking for some opinions (vet due out this week)

My 5yo Irish Draught mare was backed over winter, but since moving to new yard has been noted as very sore/stiff in her back and back legs. Refusing to pick these up for the farrier, etc. and currently lame with an abscess which was cleared in March and again a few weeks ago by my new farrier. There was a period of 2-3 weeks in between where there were no obvious signs of an abscess.

She was backed using my saddle, which they checked and said it was a good fit - although she was not ridden in this saddle, only sat on a few times a week for about 15 minutes in walk and trot.

Horse was on limited turnout over winter, starting in November (maybe 1 day a week when not with abscess) as other owners were not turning out in the rain and mares/geldings rotated use of the field. Horse was stabled in a 10-ish x 12 ft stable, then on box rest from Feb through April due to abscess. Horse is now turned out daily although a little lame on the affected leg, we'd prefer to keep her out if possible and farrier advised us to not keep her in whilst she is still weight bearing.

No history of lameness.

Any thoughts on what hurt her back/legs, physio has seen her and doesn't think it was related to lack of turnout but I don't believe my trainer caused these problems as they have their own yard and show/produce horses for a living (i.e. take great care of horses in their care).


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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When my Draft mare had recurrent abscesses, I found that she had Cushings. She was much older than your mare but as I lost a Shire at 6 yrs old to what I now believe was Cushings, from the symptoms, we never got a diagnosis despite 3 months of vet visits. I am sorry bit if I were you, I would ask for a Cushings test and tbh, I wouldn't bother with the free test but ask for the ore reliable TRH-Stim test. I do hope you manage to rule out Cushings but if not, it is controllable with Prascsend.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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If this only kicked in since extended time without turnout then I'd also suspect PSSM. I even turnout with an abscess because extended periods of time without movement and my mare's hindquarters become solid and she looks lame in every leg


Well-Known Member
3 June 2020
South West, England
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Thank you for all the replies so far. My physio has seen her again today and thinks she could be sound in a few days, but I am still concerned as to why this happened. Physio thinks she's had a pelvic injury at some point and doesn't think it is PSSM, but since the horse was kept in the field 24/7 for the first few years of her life, and then had regular turnout until end of November when she suddenly had an abscess and went lame I am still not sure.

She cow-kicked with my old farrier and the farrier with her previous owner, I'm thinking maybe she's been stiff the whole time and just nobody has noticed as she's never been sour or lame. Perhaps she was injured as a yearling/2yr old and she's just too kind to tell anyone she's in pain, despite being in regular in-hand exercise and light backing. She was never visibly lame, just a little careful which we assumed was due to her overgrown feet.

So frustrating, I'm trying to get the details of the person who owned her as a 2yr old to see if they have more info.
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Well-Known Member
3 June 2020
South West, England
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Just replying here, seems the long abscess was a very bad re-infection and two physio sessions seems to have sorted the stiffness and soreness. Also had teeth check and saddle fitting (sold my Wintec 500 and purchased a Thorowgood T8) turns out she's got really high withers and the saddle was an awful fit. :eek:

I'll move into the 5/6-year-old training thread now :) Thank you to everyone that offered their experience and advice!