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Hi I'm looking for a good horse back person In Southampton so if anyone has any recommendations for one that would be great thanks
What areas does he cover
I was wondering what a chirotherapist is, too.What on earth is a Chirotherapist? I've tried googling it - but I think it mightbe made up?
Try Rob Jackson 'The Horseback Vet' (see website for details)..he's exceptionally good and will travel,very well reviewed by many,and we found he was the best ever.Hi I'm looking for a good horse back person In Southampton so if anyone has any recommendations for one that would be great thanks
Thanks shay I will message him to see if it's not to far to travel to me do you no a rough price he charges please
The term Chiropractor is restricted and can only be used by qualified practitioners. I suspect the concoction "Chirotherapist" is intended to imply qualification / registration without actally being qualified. I'm open to being corrected - and massive apologies if I am wrong and a chirotherapist is a proper title. But otherwise I would look very carefully at the insurance of any non registered / quailfied practitioner.