Looking for a loan...


Well-Known Member
18 September 2011
Peebles but grew up on the Isle of Arran
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First of all, I'm amazed at how few loans there seem to be at the moment.

I'm now in a position where I'm looking to take something one loan. I have livery included in my job and with my own horse out on loan due to no longer being able to jump, I am quite keen to get something else. Really not fussed about what, something I can have a bit of fun with, being on, potentially even a youngster needing backed and brought on. I am only looking for a loan and know any work I put into a horse the owner will benefit from. Does anyone know of something, or of a good place to look/ advertise. Searched all the usual websites and Facebook pages along with the local riding club.

Is this something anyone would even be interested in?

Left over lamb tagine anyone?