Looking for a New Horse - Possibly a PRE??


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13 June 2010
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After a disastrous 3 years with my KWPN, he found a dream home (totally out of the blue) with a wonderful lady who adores him, and more importantly, he adores her and goes so well for her that I actually cried!!! I decided to get a sensible ISH 5 YO (well, as much as they can be at that age) and it would appear that he was doped and I now have a dangerous nutter on my hands who is unpredicatable to ride and handle. Hopefully he is going back to the dealer next week, which is devastating but I am quite fond of having my head intact...

Anyway, I am now going to start looking for a new horse but my confidence is now shot when it comes to buying a horse as I now don't trust my instincts!! I am going to take a small army of people with me next time I try but I am trying to target my search a bit more. I am 5'8, 11.5 stone and am an experienced rider who wants to jump and do a bit of dressage. I have had TB's in the past and really liked them so thats an option. But I have also always liked PRE's. Would I be too big for one as they appear to all be 15.2ish?? My friend had one and he was awesome but only did flatwork. Any thoughts or suitable ad-links very welcome!!


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25 January 2008
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Why not forget the breed and just take your time finding a lovely natured horse irrespective of breeding?

There are lovely horses out there of unknown breeding, and many that don't fit stereotypes.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
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Why not forget the breed and just take your time finding a lovely natured horse irrespective of breeding?

There are lovely horses out there of unknown breeding, and many that don't fit stereotypes.

You are totally right but I (rather shallow, I know!!) like the look of PREs but I nothing about them really. Also, there is such alot out there and I have been fobbed off twice now so I am now very nervous about looking.
29 July 2005
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IME PRE's tend to be fairly laid back and willing to turn their hoof to anything. But as others have said, focus less on the breed - a good horse is never a bad breed.


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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Certainly not all PREs are 15.2hh. I would strongly suggest sitting on a few before looking at buying one - some of them are very "normal" but some are very different to ride. Try a Lusitano or two while you're at it...

Bennions Field

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19 May 2009
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PRE stands for pura Raza Espanola, ie, a pure bred registered andalusian / spanish horse. i now have two (mare and almost yearling), but they couldnt be more different in temprement, i think the replies above are offering good advice, look more at the horses confirmation/temprement rather than specifically a breed.

I must add though that i do love both my PRE's, however as with any other breed they can all be different. if you are happy to go through a dealer there are plenty of legitamate breeders/dealers/sellers on the www.BAPSH.co.uk website, or at least they could put you in touch with someone who has a suitable one for you to try, they also come in all shapes and sizes dependant on lineage.

i would also recommend that you try the horse on more than one occassion, any decent seller/dealer would be more than happy for you to try more than once, so long as you dont keep trying, but if you explain your concerns/problems you have had they should be understanding if they want to sell you a horse.

best of luck in finding your next horse, it will be worth it in the end, just take your time to make sure its the right purchase for you and the horse.


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28 September 2011
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As others have said I would look for a horse that can do the job that you want it to do rather than focusing on breed. PRE's are lovely but they are very intelligent my boy is too intelligent for his own good! Whilst I love him to bits and get on well with him if you give him an inch he'll take a mile and he's so tuned into me which is fab but not always great if your nervous! lol If anyone gets on him and is nervous of him he's like yay i'm going to pretend to be a psycho! lol Yet if your confident he is amazing if I think trot he's already trotting, etc he is also learns things very quickly so you have to be careful not to teach them bad habits. Not saying all PRE's are like mine as again I wouldn't want to sterotype but just saying really any breed can be sharp, etc. Equally any breed can be very laid back and do the job that you want. As others have said try different breeds try some PRE's, etc and see what you think. Good luck I hope you get sorted make sure you post some pics when you get fixed up! :)


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27 March 2011
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I too started looking for a PRE after selling my warmblood mare who i just did not get on with lol..... now gone to a very nice home with a boy who she loves !

I always wanted an andalusian and had quite a lot of experience with them over the years and loved their temprement etc. Now i agree that they are not all the same regardless of the breed but i wouldn't change mine.
Mine is now rising three and the speed in which he learns things is ridiculous!!
he is very laid back with most things but you need to be firm with the behaviour that you will allow as, if you give him an inch he will take a mile lol...and then with other things its like having a big dog!
i'm hoping to do a bit of everything with him as his dad has a good jump in him.

I think you need to do loads of research into the breed and lines and ride as many as you can to get a feel for them. I prefer the andalusians over the lusitanos but its all personal preference

hope this helps in some way



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29 January 2008
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I used to ride a full up 15.2hh PRE stallion for his owner. It was like sitting on a very expensive sports car. Big old front on him and lot of engine light in the hand and would do the odd daft thing if given half the chance. But completely lovely. I've sat on a few others, and am afraid that the mares/ geldings just don't do it for me after riding the stallion! Not half as much power, but maybe I just haven't sat on anything as good since. I like the type, but would always buy irish now, I think one day i'll treat myself to another flashy PRE stallion just to enjoy at home and ponce about on, can't say much for their jumping but haven't really seen one that really jumps well. As in will jump BSJA well enough.


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23 September 2009
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As others have said you should just look for a nice horse who you get on with irrespective of breed

Having said that I have a 3 year old PRE who I totally adore, I'm itching to get him backed... don't think he'll be ready til this time next year though so I'll have to wait a little longer. I've had him since he was 6 months old and he's so cool!!

I measured him on New Year's Day and he was a smidge over 15.3hh so I'm hoping he will grow another inch or so. They do tend to have quite large barrells though so even the smaller ones can take up the leg well


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3 January 2012
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I think having an idea of what you want is good, but at the same time go and view some horses that are a little bit different or catch your eye regardless of breed! you never know where you'll find your perfect horse! I certainly didn't want to view a 'chestnut 15.2 4yo mare' when i was looking for a 16.1hh+ TB gelding but she is perfect and I wouldn't swap her for anything!
Good luck, and I hope you don't come across any more awful dealers !