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I am looking for a pony i used to own. I owned his mum when he arrived and i sold him when he was 6.
He is about 11 hands and 18 years old. he was dapple grey with a blaze when he was younger but now he would be white. He is a welsh saction A. I had him freeze marked on his left shoulder but it may not be clear anymore, i think it was 8C3C and his name on his freezemarks papers was silver Dollar.
He is a very cheeky pony who would squeez through the smallest of gaps. he also was broken to drive so he was the perfect childs pony. please help me find him as i would love to know how he is!!
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He orrigianally came from Kent
He is about 11 hands and 18 years old. he was dapple grey with a blaze when he was younger but now he would be white. He is a welsh saction A. I had him freeze marked on his left shoulder but it may not be clear anymore, i think it was 8C3C and his name on his freezemarks papers was silver Dollar.
He is a very cheeky pony who would squeez through the smallest of gaps. he also was broken to drive so he was the perfect childs pony. please help me find him as i would love to know how he is!!
He orrigianally came from Kent