Could anyone help, im looking to move my horse to a part livery yard, or DIY assisted. Somewhere around Swanley, Sidcup, Maidstone area ? Need to move out my yard due to the terrible grazing. Thanks x
hi im from that area.if you say what yard you are on(pm if want), then i can suggest better ones grazing wise.also what are are after in terms of facilities etc.
Hi, dont want to say where i am at the moment,....
but i want to find a small yard where my horse can go out every day and live out 24/7 in the summer months, also want good hacking.
The yard i am on at the moment is ok, but horses are on every other day turnout and will be till around June, which i am not happy about, plus the paddocks are really over grazed so nothing for them to eat in the summer and during the winter they are just standing in mud.
hate to say it but dont think you'l find anywhere in those areas that will do 24/7 turnout even in summer.capricorn farm is ment to be good and may possibly do 24/7 in summer.dont think any yards up stable lane are great for turnout.nearly all the yards in bexley,sidcup areas are overgrazed and over stocked.
As before (we are that area) - as we are a small yard with great grazing, it follows that we are full and spaces don't come up!
If you want grazing and a space now (rather than wait an indefinate time on a waiting list) then don't look at Bexley, Sidcup, and Swanley as the best yards in that area will not have spaces!
Another vote for Capricorn farm. I've viewed it and it was a nice yard with lovely YO. Only reason I didn't move was that it was a little too far from home for me and instead the space came up at my current yard.
If your looking for better grazing, Maidstone area is going to be much better. I'm Chatham way but have to keep my boy just south of Maidstone in order to get 24/7 turnout for him, there just isn't any in the built up north of Kent. There have however been several cases of EAM recently in Maidstone, something to think about.