Looking for reassurance!


31 January 2014
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We picked up our new pony today (my first ever). She was fab - loaded first time! An hour and a half later and we met her at our yard, unloaded her and she pulled me through the yard! Only hesitated briefly before going into her stable, set to munching on her haylage immediately, has eaten and drunk really well. She's been really friendly with everyone, and very nosy, looking out immediately at every noise, or horse or person that has walked past her. She's called out to a couple of horses in particular as she spotted them which was interesting (one looks so much like she does they could be sisters!)

I've spent the whole afternoon with her, stroking, patting, talking, i've spent time in the stable with her and out as well. I've brushed her all over and we've both done really well. Then I went to put her rug on ready to turn her out and she got really fidgity and kept flicking her head back towards me like she was threatening to bite. Each time I just talked calmly to her and she'd turn her head back again, but a few seconds later would do it again. I ended up asking the yard manager to come in and help me cos I wasn't sure if i was doing something wrong that was causing it - she tried it once with YM who just said "OI..NO" and that was that - no more head turning!

Then I had to lead her back through the yard and along a short coastal path which was windy and noisy from the sea (she's never seen or heard the sea as far as we know). She was so strong, pulling me along, pushing me against a fence and into a thorn bush! Got her into the field, took off her headcollar and she just stood there for a bit before trotting off to sniff the grass and look at the other ponies in the field. She had a good roll, went to the loo and set off exploring the field in between watching the waves crash on the beach.

I've come home feeling really emotional. I felt really overwhelmed today, I think a combination of the responsibility of settling in this beautiful horse so she feels safe and calm, and questioning my own abilities. I've rugged up horses before, I don't know why I was questioning myself! Its a bit like after having my first baby where I was too scared to change her nappy in case I did it wrong, despite the fact that i'd changed LOADS of nappies on other babies over the years!

Is this normal? :eek:


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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yes dont worry.....you just need to get to know each other, BUT any bad behaviour must not be allowed ..... she will feel a little unsettled and will try and push the boundaries, this is pretty normal and you should be fine in a couple of days.....just remember you own her not the other way round...just treat any naughtiness firmly and maybe use a bridle if she is pulling you around on the headcollar...good luck and we need piccies please!!!!!!


31 January 2014
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Thank you splashgirl! My husband was just saying that to me "its all very well befriending her today, but she needs to know you're the boss! lol. I think I need to ramp my confidence up a bit, even if I have to grit my teeth and fake it to start!

Um, I don't know how to upload photos!


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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Yes quite normal I would say. You obviously want to do everything right and make sure you aren't making any massive mistakes. Everything is new for her so she's be a little nervous and apprehensive. I'm sure you will both be fine, it takes time to trust each other completely.
Any photos of your new girl?


31 January 2014
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Hoping these pictures work!!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
1 August 2010
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oh she looks lovely! Hope you have brilliant fun together.

I would say this is fairly normal too - funny how your OWN horse is so much more of a responsibility and this can make you much more anxious about the slightest thing.

Sounds like some in hand work on her leading would be a really good place to start with putting your relationship on the right footing. If she is a bit strong then I would suggest a dually headcollar (read up on it first) or if you dont want to go that far then pop a rope over her nose while you are leading so you have more control. But the dually would help you to get her moving where you want her in every situation. You should make sure she doesnt enter your 'personal space' and that when she leads if she starts to get in front you correct her to stay at your shoulder. Depending on the kind of person you are you might find it most helpful and reassuring to book a session with a knowledgeable person. I have had help from a Kelly Marks Recommended Associate with my youngster and it has absolutely transformed our relationship so that I (who am a wuss and Mrs anxious about doing things right with my horse) am confident I can control him on the ground.

Alternatively dont be shy to ask your YO to show you how to handle her - remembering that everyone has their own techniques and sometimes we prefer not to do things the way others do.

Sorry that is a bit rambling but you will be fine with her, try to start as you mean to go on and get help if you need it. xx


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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Gosh she looks so much like a horse I knew at my last yard! :D She's very pretty, what's her name?

It's totally normal to feel like that with your first owned horse I think, I was exactly the same when I bought mine ha ha! :D Definitely ditto that you need to set boundries but don't worry you won't break her or anything :D Part of being a good owner IMO is the worrying that you are doing everything right ha ha! :D


Well-Known Member
4 October 2006
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Hoshi congratulations on your lovely new horse. She is gorgeous, she has a kind eye and a good outlook. What is her name ?

It is quite normal to have 'New owner' nerves for sure.

It is also quite normal for your horse to have 'new owner' nerves :D It will take some time for her to settle in and you both need time to get to know each other. Horses are flight animals and she will be very unsure of her new surroundings; new noises, sights, sounds and smells.

Some folk have referred to leading techniques and dually halters, have you any experience of groundwork as a matter of interest ?