looking for the impossible?


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15 September 2006
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Hi peeps!Just discovered this site by accident in my trials and tribulations of finding another pony to replace my little darlin who sadly had to be pts 2 months ago.You all seem very friendly and helpful people so i would like an opinion,- an honest one!- am i living in a dream world trying to find an older pony about 15yrs purely for hacks as im the wrong side of 40, definitely safe in traffic obviously and looking for a quiet relaxing time just like me.Im in norfolk so am looking this way but keep getting offered either 4yr olds or ex racehorses or older ponys but at prices around the 2000 mark.Am i hoping for too much in not having more than a thousand to spend? Its been a while since i bought my last old girl and the prices seem to have rocketed, its not as if i want a big old brute just approx 14-14.2 as im only 5ft 1in, id have had more spare cash if i hadnt upgraded the damn car but i didnt know my little woman was going to suffer a stroke at the time!Thanks for listening to me waffle on!


Well-Known Member
24 July 2006
north warwickshire (west midlands)
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there are some out there honestly and they can be around 16 and happy hackers another place you might want to look is www.trallwnfarm.org.uk hope thats the adress its a rescue centre and they rehome througout the uk even though they r based in wales with tack but you just need a reference from a vet and riding instructor sorry if this doesnt help there was a happy hacker the other day for £600 and 17yrs old but it had gone so dont give up and i am so sorry for your loss


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15 September 2006
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Thanks for your kind words i was pretty gutted that she had to go as she was looking really good but she just laid down in her field and couldnt get up.she was even still eating out of my hand but the vet said obviously that she couldnt stay down there forever and she was probably in her thirties even though 8 years ago when i bought her she was supposedly 16!anyway i dont want to depress everyone so i ll shut up about that and just try to find another one to live their days out with me ive been on the welsh places website but i can imagine my other half(not very horsey at all) when i say lets just pop down to wales!Now if it was to watch a footy match it would be no probs!


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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So sorry you lost your horse and I know how difficult it is to replace a much loved friend. To be honest, I think your budget might make things harder for you - but not impossible. You are in my neck of the woods, so the Free Ads is the best place to look each wednesday. You might even find something on loan with a view to buy - especially now when people are selling before the winter. Good luck, I'll keep my fingers firmly crossed for you.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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I think you will get her if you can shop around a bit. After all, you are happy to have something which will not jump,a nd is older, and that is a huge help.

Can I suggest I also posting on
as I think on there you will find more people who are less competition minded and who may well have or know of something more suitable.

Don't worry about your age, I'll never ever see fifty again!


New User
15 September 2006
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Thanks for your good wishes, yes i buy the free ads every week and i have been advertising pref for a loan view to buy but everythings either too young(4yr old that needs bringing on)or too expensive(26yr old for 1200) but hey im not in a hurry the grass will just get abit longer whilst im looking and im sure the right one will turn up one day whether im still young enough to ride it is another thing!