Lorry and Country Lanes


Well-Known Member
6 December 2006
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Not very horsey but quite funny start to my morning i had a stupid lorry driver meet me in the lane !

I drop my dog off at my nans (the farm) every morning and park in the road run her to front door then carry on
As i was about to get in my car a lorry came round the corner passing my driveway - now the most sensible thing would of been for him to stop there as i was already driving down but NO he comes up the lane !!

So I am now annoyed and he turns his engine off i get out and asked him why he coudlnt of stopped when he saw me - his reply because i could of passed you back there - hmmmmm maybe on a bicycle but not a 7.5ton lorry !!!

So i said so your not moving and he was like NO you move ill stay here all day if i have to - which i then replied thats fine ill lock the car and go indoors and have a cup of coffee - ring the doorbell when you decide to move !! (he he he )

so then he starts giving me abuse and my nan came out of her house and he started shouting at her to - i dread to think if it was my nan on her own !! he then said it was hard to reverse the lorry - to my answer of well then you shouldnt be driving it and would he like me to get in a reverse it back for him

10 mins later he decided to move - i said in future maybe that will teach him to not be such a bully just cos he is driving a lorry !!


Well-Known Member
31 July 2005
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Do what I do, I pretend I can't reverse the car and go forwards and backwards and take about 15 mins to go 100 yards.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2006
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Do what I do, I pretend I can't reverse the car and go forwards and backwards and take about 15 mins to go 100 yards.

[/ QUOTE ]

oooh that is a good idea !! ha ha


Well-Known Member
6 March 2009
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i love it when you said want me to reverse for you lol.
i hate it when people in cars expect you to reverse 4x4 and horse trailer because they cant!! i am imho very good at reversing always having to reverse otherwise id still be sat waiting for useless drivers!!


Well-Known Member
16 January 2006
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i met a jag once in my little morris minor its all sunken lanes where i grew up, he would reverse to the passing space behind him as he didn't want to get his car muddy!!, the one behind me was over 350m away,
i just sat in the car, eventually he got out to tell me to reverse i pointed out the space behind, after 10 min he reversed and i had to put my mag away


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Some people.

There are often cars parked down my road, thus making it single lane with limited passing spaces. I once had some silly cow in a 4x4 accelerate past as driveway I about to pull into and then expect me to reverse about 30ft onto the main road. I signalled for her to back up (literally her cars lenght), she shook her head, so I shrugged my shoulders, got out, locked my car and started to walk up my drive. She then decided to move..............................MENTAL.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2007
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Well done. We have had a few of the 'I am not going to get my wheels muddy types' and recently someone got irate cos she told us she had not long washed her car!!


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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ST- can i get this right you wouldn't reverse your car in narrow lane to help a lorry cos????????? you were stop yourself in middle of road???

Can i ask would you have done same if lorry had horses on board and what would you have done if you were driving a lorry with horses on board???????? and this was done to you in a lane.

i'm not surprise lorry chap gave you lots of abuse!!! My understanding in this situtaion, is the small and much more moveable vehicle REALLY should be felxiable and MOVE - of course with in reason

I'm sorry it sounds, if you were on power kick this morning and no matter how annoying i would have defo move my car, as i would hope that when I drive my truck down narrow lanes that other people give space and move to help.

And i do speak from a car driver who gets repeatly bullied as in small car and from some who drives in narrow lane a 7.5 tonner


Well-Known Member
30 October 2008
Basingstoke, Hants, UK
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I do agree with Kick-On! As a bus driver I get daily abuse from car drivers who refuse to reverse to allow the bus to pass safely on narrow country roads. One road in particular has only a handful of passing points which are actually car sized gaps in the hedge where a bus wouldn't fit and would probably sink!

The worst guy I have met so far was in a brand new range rover who refused point blank to reverse 200 yards to allow me to pass. I had over 30 passengers who were all on their way to work. He got out, locked it and said he would walk up the road to his house. His reason "I can't reverse it as it might get scratched!" I said "Thats fine, I will call the police" Which I did and meanwhile got out my paper! I even offered to reverse his car for him, which he also refused. The passengers almost had his blood, until the police arrived and removed it from the road, with him kicking and screaming in the back of their police car!

I have been told by the DSA that if my route is blocked I am only to reverse in emergency situations due to the safety of my passengers and other road users behind me.

The lorry driver shouldn't have been abusive, but you could have avoided an arguement altogether by letting him pass. At the end of the day you were just going to your nans, he may have been delivering something important!!!


Well-Known Member
26 January 2009
The Edge of Suburbia, Berkshire.
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I'm not sure of the issue here either. But then my show off mentality (living in a single track road with almost no passing spaces) is speed reversing (at the same speed you'd drive up the road), which totally throws the driver going the other way who has overshot the passing space by 2ft and is wondering what to do, when I then speed reverse about half a mile (it's not a straight line either) before they have got their car in reverse gear.

However, being a no through road I do giggle when sat nav sends huge articulated lorries with drivers who can't read no through road signs down our lane. Means they have to reverse half a mile back to the no through road sign as there isn't enough room to turn round.