low sugar and starch feed needed


12 April 2011
West Yorkshire
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Hi, my 21 year old cob, who as cushings and IR, really hates his low sugar diet, I have tried Allen and page no sugar no cereal,D&H high fibre nuts, spillers high fibre cubes, Equibeet, Rowan Barbary ready mash, and the new Rowan Barbary solutions mash, some he will eat for a few days, others wont even try,I am now feeding D&H Leisure mix which I think is to high at 6% sugar 13% starch, he loves that, I dont add supplements now so its not those he dislikes, he is under weight, could do with building up, when in he is in he nibbles at his hay, he is living out at the moment had his insulin done it is higher than it should be (41) at one point was over 900, but he seems much happier and can gallop all around the field then what he was when living in, ( I do think Quality of life matters more than Quantity)there is hay on field.he is on 1 full tablet of prascend, he does no work at the moment.Any ideas on what to feed that could be tasty but safe for him Thankyou

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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The 33 year old I have is the same he was diagnosed with cushings 18 months ago, he was underweight, very picky and generally not a typical pony. He would not eat the low sugar feeds that he is supposed to and lost more weight, also just picks at hay or haylage, so like you I had to put him on feed that he would eat even if it compromised his condition, he had D&H Build up Mix.

Over the summer he was fine as he is on unrestricted grazing and this winter he is on Baileys build up cubes, which he loves, the first feed in ages he gets really excited about having he also gets a separate feed over night of Allen and Page Fast Fibre and some chaff he is not keen on it but eats it in stages , last year he would not eat FF at all so I think by cutting out the mixes he is getting less sugar and more used to eating something that is not covered in molasses.

I think that if you change his diet and get him used to less sweet things he may become less fussy and cubes are a start.