low sugar feeding.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
Up North
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I like Spillers Cool Fibre as it has bits of nuts in etc so it's all you need to feed, also contains vits and mins. Spillers Happy Hoof is similar, and Dengie Healthy Hooves is good (mine doesn't like it though - think he dislikes alfalfa AND garlic). Didn't like the Hifi molasses free as they contain lots of oil -so too fattening - and the evil alfalfa. I ended up throwing that out. I tried D & H Safe and Sound, he liked that.

At the moment I am feeding Mollichaff Calmer which my Iberian x loves, it's got herby bits in and nuts in. I think it's his favourite!! And it's the cheapest :)


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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When we realised, years ago, that my WelshDxTB could not safely eat either cereals or sugar, we could only find alfalfa cobs. In later years, she could eat unmolassed sugar beet (Speedibeet) because it was cane sugar that she had problems with, so we gave her that or Alfa-beet. We found that even a tiny amount of molasses caused enormous problems, so 'low-sugar'/'lightly molassed' was no use to us at all.
Nowadays we would feed her grassnuts and dried grass, which is what we feed the horses we have now, anyway. A&P began to make a sugar & cereal free mix towards the end of her life but actually we never bothered with it.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2004
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ask feed companies for full ingredients and sugar content - there is molasses/moglo in things you wouldn't expect (like happy hoof!)


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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When we realised, years ago, that my WelshDxTB could not safely eat either cereals or sugar, we could only find alfalfa cobs. In later years, she could eat unmolassed sugar beet (Speedibeet) because it was cane sugar that she had problems with, so we gave her that or Alfa-beet. We found that even a tiny amount of molasses caused enormous problems, so 'low-sugar'/'lightly molassed' was no use to us at all.
Nowadays we would feed her grassnuts and dried grass, which is what we feed the horses we have now, anyway. A&P began to make a sugar & cereal free mix towards the end of her life but actually we never bothered with it.

I feed the A & P cereal and sugar intolerant feed BUT it is so very expensive @ around £13 a bag!!! I am trying to find pure grass nuts - I feed carob (locust bean) and micronized linseed but want a cheap nut that suits. I am not keen on lucerne (alfalfa) due to the high protein - horse nutrition is a minefield.