Lumps on skin which are now weeping


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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I recently posted an enq. re my horse having an unfit heart and pharangeal restriction according to my Vet .I asked the Vet for bloods at the time as I knew she was off colour and wondered if she had a virus. The vet said bloods werent necessary and to do cardiovascular work on her.
I have had physio, worm count etc and all is O.K.
Less than a week after the Vet saw her I noticed lumps/bumps on her nearside point of shoulder and although she is clipped and rugged I assumed she had been bitten. She was overdue for clipping and was getting very hot so I clipped her and the lumps spread immediatly.She had them all over her shoulder,down her near fore to the elbow,up her neck and some on her barrel. There were a few on her offside. They were very hot and she appeared sore. She was definately off clolour and had become even more jumpy than usual.
The Vet came and said she had Urticaria due to enviromental influence. (I have not changed any food low protein etc ,bedding etc and all rugs are Nuu med washed as usual)
The Vet gave her a steroid injection.The lumps spread to form a large mass on her shoulder and about 3 days after the injection no more appeared. However they are now forming heads and if I pick at them(did one to see what it was like) the hair comes away with a scab and the skin is sore underneath.
Today she seemed happier in herself and cantered out to the field before doing some great fly bucks.
What do you think it could be?Have you had the same sort of problem.
I wondered if she should have had antibiotics.
Any help greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Are you sure this isn't ringworm, Layla's started as urticaria then scabby lumps..
it has been a bad case of ringworm and someone said some types are more pox like in their course. If you get bald circles next don't delay, it's taken us ages to get rid of the damned thing..


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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Funny you should say that but my neighbours horses have had ringworm!!! although I have seen it in cattle etc this doesnt look like what I have seen in the past. However I suppose there can be numerous different strains.
I had already decided to ring my Vet so definately will now
