lunging advice


Well-Known Member
18 July 2011
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Today i lunged my ISH as i was running a little shorter on time than normal. So popped him on lunge for 1/2 hour.

On one rein he's very good albeit reluctant to canter but generally very good. On the other rein he continually spins to the opposite rein, bunny hopping round and going in the opposite direction. Evrytime he did this, i made him halt, walked up to him to turn him onto the other rein. When i do this he keeps walking so i cannot get around him to make him turn. He keeps walking so much so he barges me out of the way and will not stop walking!!!!

He is generally a very well manered boy. This is clearly his more difficult rein and he is turning onto his favourite rein coz its easier. How can i stop him doing this?