New User
I'm new on here so first of all "Hello everyone"!
I wondered if anyone could help me out with a lunging question. I am introducing some lunge work into my arab mare's work regime but she hates the weight and bulk of a lunge cavesson. I have been reluctant to lunge from the bit as I'm concerned about damaging her mouth if she gets silly (which whe does occasionally!). I've seen pictures of trainers using leather cavessons with leather loops (so no jangling) but can't find anything similar on the market. What do you all suggest? If I do try lunging from the bit where do you all stand on the debate concerning where/how to fix the line? Any suggestions welcome!
I wondered if anyone could help me out with a lunging question. I am introducing some lunge work into my arab mare's work regime but she hates the weight and bulk of a lunge cavesson. I have been reluctant to lunge from the bit as I'm concerned about damaging her mouth if she gets silly (which whe does occasionally!). I've seen pictures of trainers using leather cavessons with leather loops (so no jangling) but can't find anything similar on the market. What do you all suggest? If I do try lunging from the bit where do you all stand on the debate concerning where/how to fix the line? Any suggestions welcome!