

Well-Known Member
6 June 2004
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I'm having a few problems lunging my mare. She is really quiet to ride and hack, however stick her on the lunge and she is like a different horse. She flies round and round as fast as she can and i'm really worried she is going to fall over. She is the same whether I hold the lunge whip or not. I have tried lunging her in a cavesson and off the bridle and in side reins (she is slightly calmer in side reins!) I had a lunge lesson with my instructor and she went really nicely but that is about the only time she has lunged calmly since i've had her. Just wondered if anyone had any hints or tips of what i can try, i am really worried she is going to hurt herself flying round!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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My mare was like this when I first had her. I think she had only ever been lunged to 'take the edge off' and therefore flew round. I ditched the whip as that made her worse. I spent ages with her just in a cavesson in walk - had the lunge line quite short and walked next to her - as soon as she relaxed I'd let her out a bit further (she was always on a big circle but my circle got smaller if you see what I mean). I got her listening to my voice and was always quiet and soothing in tone. Slowly we incorporated trot and just worked on transitions. She has improved loads and now because she is obedient to the voice I lunge with two lines and also long rein. She still has her moments but is mostly calm and responsive. Lots of patience - your'll get there


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
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May be she is confused and doesn't understand what you want. Get someone to lead her around when you lunge her initially they can then move further away from her until she is comfortable


Well-Known Member
18 May 2003
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I had a horse like this, it seemed she had been lunged by some fool before me who taught her that it was all about charging around. Apparantly, a number of people do this when lunging to them is just for exercise. If a horse has been chased on every time it steadied up, they will behave like this as its what they have learned. I did get the one I worked with to lunge nicely, I began seeing an improvement after a few sessions and it just got steadily better.

I always used side reins (usually I would warm up and cool down without them) and just asked quietly for walk. She didn't believe I really meant walk at first so she wouldn't offer it, but with side reins, fairly passive body language on my part and no whip or the whip kept behind me, we did get it. Then I'd have 5 minutes walk on each reins, reward and put the horse away. When she comes out understanding that a quiet walk is required, I'll introduce a little trot (or a long trot depending how long it takes to settle again), only a short trot, then back to walk again, same on both reins, then quietly finish. Fairly soon, the horse should start to listen to you and understand that you want something different to the previous lunger.

Let us know how it goes


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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I think it's all about long reining (or whatever you call it) I don't know what good lunging does (apart from get them bending a bit) as Ty just charges around with his head in the air like a loon. He's quite voice responsive but with the double lines he's amazing......


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
West Sussex.
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I don't know what good lunging does (apart from get them bending a bit) as Ty just charges around with his head in the air like a loon

[/ QUOTE ]

Lunging does a hell of alot.... If you can lunge well your pretty much there! Lunging gives you a chance to teach from the ground so you can see how hes moving etc.... It gets rid of any confussion with rider... and builds up the correct muscles....Outline.... Bend.... and confidence to be able to cope without the rider etc....

Of couse only if done right! Alot of horses have simply been stuck of a line and let to run around as a work out.

I would go striaght back to basics you might as well act like shes never been lunged before, reschool her to it as such. Start by leading her in a walk if she gets pushy turn or stop. Slowly make your distance with your whip behind you in the other hand (simply to keep her out) Making the circle bigger. Keep to at a walk, with haults, changing rein... and do little sessions. Work up slowly with a little trot and bring her back to settle if she looses her self *so she knows whizzing off makes things slow down* then start again.

Before you know it you'll be there! And remember its the voice that controls her keep it calm , steady but firm and loud. Prounace the last letter of each word E.g TroT-Ter..... Whao-OA and best of all to settle a horse alway found going and Wal-K.... and Wal-K over and over again to thier pace does wonders!
Oh and add 'And' when changing pace...


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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Why not just double rein lunge though? Surely you have alot more control and you're encouraging your horse to work in a proper shape....

TBH, I was very sceptical about it (old school lunging for me) but the difference it's made to Ty in just 2 weeks is actually amazing.

He couldn't canter on the right leg, always rushed into a canter(ridden and lunged) but because I can give him a sharp signal with the other rein on his behind, it works wonders! Just have to transfer that into the saddle now!


Well-Known Member
6 June 2004
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Thanks for all your help, will take her right back to basics then, and start slowly with her. Not sure how much she was lunged with her previous owner, when i asked they said she wasn't lunged very often, so maybe when she was it was just for exercise and she was taught to charge round?! Will keep you all posted on how we get on