

Well-Known Member
7 December 2011
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Anyone have any tips/advice for first time lunging?

My cobxtb is 5 years old, starting to break him now (I know late, but hes much more trusting now).

Led him around a bit today and he was fine, not scared of the whip at all, understands walk on, woah. Just stood there before he was led looking at me thinking what do you want women?! haha

All good until he jumped back and my finger got caught, pulled the knuckle out and damaged the ligaments! He was pretty good thou, just took up the slack in the rope and didn't pull me anywhere, which is pretty good as im quite small! :D


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9 January 2008
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Gloves, hat (body protector if he's flighty) and make sure you have the lunge rein in folds over your hand so it doesn't do what it did today. Keep the rein off the ground and don't allow it to become slack so either you or the horse can trip over. Lunge in a school area not the field (its too slipply and gives no guidance to where he should go and can mean he doesn't see it as work).

Have a helper then they can always help either by driving or leading him forward. You need to ensure that you are encouraging him and standing so you aren't in front of him also that he learns not to fall in.
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10 July 2011
Wherever the wind takes me.. usually somewhere on
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firstly - well done for waiting :D it's not late at all !! When I first lunged my boy I started with a lead rope on the yard and basically pushed him round on a circle whilst stood behind his shoulder. Then just get lunge line onto his headcollar (or whatever your lunging from) lead him forwards, get into the correct position and drive him out. You may find at first that you have to do a lot of walking around and almost drive him from just behind his shoulder. Give him lots of praise and encouragement! Gradually push him onto a bigger circle.. keep your sessions very short at first. Literally a nice walk on each rein is fine for at first, keep trot sessions super short and really get him listening to your voice. I have never cantered mine on the lunge (he is nearly 4) and probably won't for a very long time as he is just not balanced. Long reining is a fab exercise too !! infact it's even better and easier than lunging :) much nicer on their joints too. Good Luck x


Well-Known Member
7 December 2011
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Thanks iconique, I have lunged etc before but never started off with a horse that doesnt know what to expect.

Ahh jalapeno thanks, he was meant to be broken in earlier but I never seem to have the massive amount of time it takes to break them in. I find hes much more chilled now thou, obviously still gets scared but it will be for a split second and then he realizes then he doesnt have to be scared, and hes nice and filled out now. I'm lunging him from a canvesson, i find them work better and easier to change lead. I only done a 5 minute walk on each rein for today, obviously have to wait a week or so now to try again. Cant pick up anything atm!!

I will try long-reining, thought i'd try and master lunging with him first, but really looking forward to it