Made it!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Made it to new yard.
We decided as new yard was only a mile and a half away we would walk little man up. I thought he might do his nut if any tractors came past, so went prepared with bridle, lunge rein and schooling whip.
He behaved so well. OH walked up behind just to keep little man's quarters in when we passed traffic. Little man stopped at the top of the steep hill and sighed asif to say "jeez, how much further??". Unfortunately he REFUSED to walk on the verge, so was tarmac all the way (no shoes).
He settled into his stable quite well after realising that the gorgeous welsh in the next stable wouldnt eat him. He did eat his straw (see prior post) but i went back and mixed in some dirty bedding and he didnt want to know after that. Thanks everyone for that tip!
So tonight he's quietly settled down to his hay and carrots. He sweated up a little from the worry of the horse next door, and he's got heat in all 4 coronets ( but I guess that's the road). So just hosed them down and left him to have a good sleep.
Having always been on a big yard with lots of available advice if needed, this is a big step for us. But being only a few hundred yards from home will make life much easier.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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Congratulations! You are brave, I would be too nervous to leave the safety of my big yard.
But it must be amazing to have your horse so close.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2006
In a right mess
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Well done, we made a similar decision 18 months ago - the best thing we ever did and the horses much prefer the quietness. You'll always be able to get plenty of advice on here, and I'm sure you have mates you could call on should you need to.
Best of luck