Have heard crestiness can be due to magnesium deficiency or 'off' magnesium/calcium/phosphorus ratio. Did also read (can't remember where, annoyingly) that crestiness can actually be fluid oedema due to hyperkalemia, hence it being beneficial to supplement sodium - as bogstandard sodium chloride table salt, in horses whose condition is basically good except for their having cresty necks.
My mares fit being not really obese but cresty/tending to show regional adiposity - palpable, almost-but-not-quite visible ribs, still got shoulders and withers, slight gutter on the NF but not on Diva. They're definitely fatter than I'd like for this early in the summer though. (Not that it will be an issue if we continue to not have rain
So just wondering people's thoughts on this really as I've been sort of on the fence about potentially giving supplements for a few weeks now. On the one hand happy to do if it will be beneficial, on the other hand would rather not be feeding them unnecessarily. But I do struggle to exercise them enough/or at least consistently enough, for that alone to be an effective strategy for weight management.
My mares fit being not really obese but cresty/tending to show regional adiposity - palpable, almost-but-not-quite visible ribs, still got shoulders and withers, slight gutter on the NF but not on Diva. They're definitely fatter than I'd like for this early in the summer though. (Not that it will be an issue if we continue to not have rain
So just wondering people's thoughts on this really as I've been sort of on the fence about potentially giving supplements for a few weeks now. On the one hand happy to do if it will be beneficial, on the other hand would rather not be feeding them unnecessarily. But I do struggle to exercise them enough/or at least consistently enough, for that alone to be an effective strategy for weight management.
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