mare and foal showing advice


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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i know this should be in competition but wondering if you lot can give me some tips.

Ebi and Willow are competing on Saturday at a show. In hand Hunter brood mare and foal class. Now me and mum will be wearing tweed, tie, beige trousers and joddie boots and of course hats and gloves.
Ebi of course will be plaited but should her tail be plaited. No chance that im plaiting Willow, but is there anything ive forgot?

Ebi will obviously go first and walk/trot up but does Willow have to still stand in line waiting for Ebi to come back. What about when its Willoew turn - does Ebi go with her?

thanks in advance peeps.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
You don't have to plait her tail although if you can do a neat job on it, it will look better, otherwise make it as tidy as you can (hair gel comes to mind!)
The foal is able to follow the mare at all times although in the individual show do make sure you do not cross the judge's vision of the one he is judging, that won't help your cause at all! I try to keep them alongside each other but well apart that way he/she can have plenty of room for manouvres.

Remember plain bridles for hunters, no coloured or brass browbands and everything neat and tidy then you won't go far wrong and your outfits sound fine (make sure your boots are anti-slip!).
If it's the mare's first day out with foal anywhere, remember to keep your distance from those in front or behind as she might feel threatened for her foal's safety if they get too close, also, whoever is leading the mare must keep a sharp lookout in case the foal misbehaves, refuses to lead, anything, and be ready to stop at a moment's notice; there is nothing sadder than seeing someone struggle with a foal and the mare leader happily away with the fairies and forgetting it is almost a pairs class which means they should be together not seperated by half a ring!

Hope you have a brilliant day and enjoy yourselves; let us know how you get on.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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thanks MFH.
should Ebi be in a double am i right? I have a double for her and shes been ridden in a double so it wont phaze her if she does. Ive bought a little jeffries in hand bridle for Willow - very very plain and a long lether lead - again is this right or should i have one of those white leads?
I do wonder how Ebi will be when we get to the show - normally she falls asleep till its her bit (shes very laid back) but it might be different now shes got little one to look after.
Mum is leading Ebi as she probably wouldnt cope leading Willow. Ill get her to keep checking that were alright.
will see if dad will come along as photographer as i dont know if theres going to be a pro there. Will let you know how weve got on good or bad on Saturday night.
keep your fingers crossed for me


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
If she's used to a double then yes, I would use it; it looks more professional! A plain leather headcollar is fine for Willow or what you have. How long is your lead rein/ If it's only short (about 5-6 foot, then could you link another rein on the end of it to give you a bit more reach? It's amazing how quickly foals can shoot forwards/back and before you know it you are at the end of the leadrein and in danger of losing them! Whatever you do, play safe and have fun!


23 February 2006
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All the other answers are correct, but can I advise you that if you are showing in Hunter mare and foal classes, that you try and put a browband on the leather headcollar for the foal. Don't put an in-hand bridle on the foal, that's totally wrong. If you're not very good at plaiting the mares tail, then pull it - it is more professional to be pulled. Hope you have a good experience. We've been showing mares and foals together in these classes for years.