Mare swelling in front of teat

Talented Mare

Well-Known Member
11 May 2012
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I’ve noticed yesterday that my mare has pretty even swellings in front of her teats - not to sure how normal this is.. interested to know if others have noticed this with mares ?
Vet came to see someone else today so I asked the questions and he said could be a few things re fat pockets.
but when feeling them he said fluid poss milk came from there-
He did ask if there was a possibility if she was in foal - I did try ai twice last aug /early sept but last scan was negative so to be fair the likelihood pregnancy was missed is low. anyone have experience? Also meaning if it was missed she would only be 5/6months in, so again if she was pregnant this wouldn’t be normal either ??
Vet took bloods to run anyway just to rule it in or out . So poss a weeks wait for those results.
just interested in others experience. The mare seems otherwise well , I’ve retired her from work sadly at age of 9 due to suspensory damage on a hind leg but really want to breed from her as she just mega. So far have planned to send her to twemlows late March.

My equine life

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19 February 2018
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About two summers ago my mares teats swelled and she started to lactate. Turns out the calcium in clover can cause this. Do you have much clover in your field or in your hay? My mare has had them slightly bigger than before ever since I’d say. Vet been out for check ups and all since and never thought it to be an issue. Do you have any rigs on your yard?!?!?!

Talented Mare

Well-Known Member
11 May 2012
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No rigs as far as I know - have got a young colt on the yard but he’s been gelded in the last 9days. Ahh interesting ,Some of the fields do get quite clovery over the summer so will have a walk through and check hers.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Could be diet, could be weight related, could be a metabolic condition, could be she just didn't move about as much, could be in many possibilites. What exactly are the bloods being run for - just pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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I’ve noticed yesterday that my mare has pretty even swellings in front of her teats - not to sure how normal this is.. interested to know if others have noticed this with mares ?
Vet came to see someone else today so I asked the questions and he said could be a few things re fat pockets.
but when feeling them he said fluid poss milk came from there-
He did ask if there was a possibility if she was in foal - I did try ai twice last aug /early sept but last scan was negative so to be fair the likelihood pregnancy was missed is low. anyone have experience? Also meaning if it was missed she would only be 5/6months in, so again if she was pregnant this wouldn’t be normal either ??
Vet took bloods to run anyway just to rule it in or out . So poss a weeks wait for those results.
just interested in others experience. The mare seems otherwise well , I’ve retired her from work sadly at age of 9 due to suspensory damage on a hind leg but really want to breed from her as she just mega. So far have planned to send her to twemlows late March.
I would get the vet, my pony has swelling in front of teats, and turns out to be an odema linked to her IBD

Talented Mare

Well-Known Member
11 May 2012
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Could be diet, could be weight related, could be a metabolic condition, could be she just didn't move about as much, could be in many possibilites. What exactly are the bloods being run for - just pregnancy?
The more I read your right it could be anything. As far as i understood bloods were just for pregnancy to rule out or in. X