aww wow thats a fab result (if that is the result!) i'm thrilled for her! (love the pik too thanks for sharing MG)
Pity about Ensign's 1 down though...
there is a link direct to the results on the pippa leads theread a couple below this but for those who cant be bothered 1. cedric lysard 2. pip on ensin 3 pip on blue horizon
and clayton won the 2* on froggie and pip was 5th and 7th on redesigned and one i cant remember and zara was 8 and 10 in the three star as well. very pleased for clayton-The Frog is back!
I really like The frog saw him somewhere and he caught my eye.
Teapot- it took me ages to find them too lol the questions marks were because i didn't know if the link would work.