Maybe a silly question !


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4 August 2010
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I am moving yards on Monday , :D As this is my first horse I have probably some silly questions: First I have a big shavings bed at current yard is it ok to move some of my current bedding coz I don't want to spend a fortune on new shavings ? If it ok to do this how do I transport the shavings? Also do I move the bed or the horse first ? Sorry if these are daft questions.

Devonshire dumpling

Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Bag the shavings and transport in whatever vehicles you have.... I would like my horse to arrive to a nice prepared stable so I would say do the bed first! Also will be nice for your horse to have his bed ( smells familiar).. good luck X


Well-Known Member
25 April 2011
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yeah its fine to take your bed with you, shavings arent that easy to move tho lol! if you can get your hands on any of the big builders bag they are prob best, you know the type that they use for like concrete and stuff? they are squre and have a loop handle on each corners, not sure if u can get hold of any of those. and best to get all your horses new stable sorted, bed down , some hay in etc before you take him he should feel a bit more settled then. hope this helps


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29 December 2011
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I always take my bed with me - not just some of it but all the clean shavings :) The cost is one reason but I also like to think that the familiar smell helps them settle quicker. I used to scoop mine into black bin liners with a dustpan/shovel and tie them up and then fill the car - just be careful they don't pop open!!!

I would also say move the bed then the horse so he can go straight into the stable when you arrive - if needed.

Hope that helps and good luck with the move


Well-Known Member
16 October 2010
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No harm in taking the shavings! Just transport them in bin bags. As for the horse, it wont take long to empty the shavings out quickly whilst they are tied up outside munching on hay. Just make sure you buy at least 1 or 2 bags of shavings just incase you dont have enough from your previous one.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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Not daft questions at all :) Move bed first if you can, it will be a comfort for the horse to arrive at a strange new yard but to have his old bed which smells 'right' ;) See if you can borrow some dumpy bags from someone.

Hope the move goes well :)


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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Yes deffo take the bed with you, all of the dry and even a bit of the damp too as well to mix in so your horse has familiar smells as I have found it does help.
Echo about what has been suggested already. Also if you have any spare empty feed bags around or ones that have been binned and can be retrieved. I just make some holes in the bags, thread through some baling twine, pull tight, wrap around a few times and knot it up as it helps to make the bags secure then.
Another suggestion is do you have any old duvet covers that are past their best? Single or double? You could use those for the dry bedding and then just tie up in a knot. Their use though depends on what you are using to transport them in as a car may be a tight squeeze.