Medium or fine blades??

Cam Eq

Well-Known Member
30 June 2020
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I have a hairy Connemara and am wondering what blades I should use. I have a Liveryman Harmony clippers. What is the difference between a fine and a medium blade. I know fine leaves approx 1.5mm and medium approx 2.5mm but what is the overall look? I want the clip to look nice so I can do shows through the winter. It’s a grey pony so want to minimise lines.
And should I use a different length for the head?


Well-Known Member
8 September 2009
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Definitely medium blades on a grey.
I used to like clipping my hunters out with fine blades but wouldn't use them on a grey had a medium pair just for her.
The fine takes it so close that it would be hard work getting a really good finish on a grey with them


Well-Known Member
25 March 2011
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Definitely medium, once had him clipped by someone else who used fine and he was practically bald!! Medium gives a much nicer finish.


Well-Known Member
1 November 2005
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If you've got Covercotes, they will give a nicer finish on a grey too.
I once made the mistake of clipping half my grey with fine blades - nightmare! Looked like he'd been clipped with a knife and fork.
Also.....having had the snap-on blade type clippers previously, they're much harder to avoid tram lines as the blades are so narrow compared to the big clippers so you can't overlap the strokes easily.
Either way it will look fine in 2 weeks ..... :)


Well-Known Member
14 September 2010
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If you've got Covercotes, they will give a nicer finish on a grey too.
I once made the mistake of clipping half my grey with fine blades - nightmare! Looked like he'd been clipped with a knife and fork.
Also.....having had the snap-on blade type clippers previously, they're much harder to avoid tram lines as the blades are so narrow compared to the big clippers so you can't overlap the strokes easily.
Either way it will look fine in 2 weeks ..... :)

I would disagree about the snap on blades for the Harmony Plus - I've just clipped out my horse with them for the first time and I've no tram lines and it wasnt hard at all, actually found it so much better than a bigger clippers. The blades are only marginally slimmer than a full clippers head aswell so it doesnt make any difference!

Nicest finish I've had in a long time - plus he didnt need to be sedated thanks to its low vibration and noise, so I'm doubly happy!! lol!


Well-Known Member
1 November 2005
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I would disagree about the snap on blades for the Harmony Plus - I've just clipped out my horse with them for the first time and I've no tram lines and it wasnt hard at all, actually found it so much better than a bigger clippers. The blades are only marginally slimmer than a full clippers head aswell so it doesnt make any difference!

Nicest finish I've had in a long time - plus he didnt need to be sedated thanks to its low vibration and noise, so I'm doubly happy!! lol!
I struggled with a grey with snap on blades, might be fine with non greys. I just hadn't got the patience with small blades - I hate clipping so much & the faster it's over the better! Got Lister Liberties now, vroom it's off!