Well-Known Member
Bit of a long shot but here goes. I moved down south 10 months ago (put a post up to find livery yards)
In that time I found a brilliant yard, lost my horse
but now have one on loan. So here goes, in that time I've met very few people. The yard is small and the people are lovely but 1) I am the only person that rides in the evenings so I'm usually on my own. 2) all of the other ladies (I hate to sound ageist but) are 20 - 30 years older than me (I'm 31) so although it's Great to have a chat and we all go to the pub every so often it's not quite the friendship I'm looking for.
I've considered riding club but I don't have a box, I could borro a trailer but would be reliant on my boyfriend chauffeuring.
Does anybody have any ideas how/ where to meet horsey people ?!
Signed desperately lonely horsey girl
Bit of a long shot but here goes. I moved down south 10 months ago (put a post up to find livery yards)
In that time I found a brilliant yard, lost my horse
I've considered riding club but I don't have a box, I could borro a trailer but would be reliant on my boyfriend chauffeuring.
Does anybody have any ideas how/ where to meet horsey people ?!
Signed desperately lonely horsey girl