Well-Known Member
I know he looks minging and i know i have tried before but i would love to know a little about this minging ginger horse. He was aquired from the worst dealer ever to have lived in Durham and has a dodgy passport and came complete with a pack of lies. I ve told his story before and dont want to bore you all but Chester has obviously enjoyed hunting with someone .. he has to be penned in whenever the hunt is around. He is very very quiet... he never neighs . He doesnt like standing still and bites my toes if we stop to talk to anyone while out hacking. He is rumoured to be late teens now . he has a small scar on his back offside hock and may have had a tieback at some stage. I have had him for coming up to three years. I m not after my money back.... despite the description and all the trouble he has got me into. And the injuries i have suffereed. And the friends i have lost because of him (nobs anyways). i enjoy his company. Someone must know what he wasted his life doing before he landed here with me!