Mini rant!


Well-Known Member
8 October 2011
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I start my new job today, so for the first time since I have been at my yard (3 weeks) I needed to go up early (just before 7) to sort pony out. My contract states that we are not allowed to go up before 7, but I spoke to YO and said on 2 days a week I needed to be up at 6.50. She said it was fine. When I got there this morning, there is a new set of gates which were put in last week and they were locked. I parked to the side of them and walked the last few minutes to the yard. When I left yard at 7.20, the gates were still locked and I had to drive the wrong way along the one way system on estate to get out.
Pointless post really - just not impressed!

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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Do the owners not get a key, if the YO lives on site this is not a real problem it may have been an oversight today, if no one is on site what would you do in an emergency a vet may need access or a horse transported urgently out of hours.