It has taken me a while to sus out how to post a picture.
Jezabell is the black mare on the left,she is 27inchs tall.
I am in the middle,and then we come to dear little Tinkerbell she is 24ichs tall.They are so cute,they come in the house if I let them.I have started doing Parelli with them.The 7 games Pat Parelli does.Jezabell is 6 and Tinkerbell is 4.
I love them to pieces,they bring alot of pleasure to people.
Just by being around.I travel them in my Kangoo Van.
I hope you like them.
Hi I live in the UK.
I would love to show them,but my knees won,t let me.
I put the Sabre Sneakers on when ever they go out on to the hard ground. I have got the correct size since the picture was taken.They cost a fortune to have them sent over from America,plus the extra charges you have to pay here.I have 2 Boots for sale.I put them on E-bay but no sale.
We used to breed and show mini's and yes they are wonderful little characters....thankfully the characters don't get any larger than inches rather than hands lol!
One of ours used to sneak in the kitchen if we left the door open as sometimes we'd bring him through the barn (joined on to the farm house) and let him graze in the garden and he used to nudge the handle and let himself in, he knew if were cooking lunch!
I must say though, although you wouldnt think it, they are more hard work bathing and prepairing them for shows than horses!
If you have bad knees you know there is always someone to help run them round for you at show, there a friendly crowd