Miss Golden Doc O'Lena


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21 January 2004
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Introducing Golden, our new girl. I still haven't ridden her but Megan, my daughter, has been playing around with her all morning and they seem to have developed a pretty strong bond already. Megan is thrilled to bits at how well trained she is. Meg is getting a real feel for what a nicely trained western horse is like.....hahaha! it was a little bit funny as I could see what Megan was asking Golden to do, Golden knew what to do but Megan didn't have a clue that she was actually asking anything....bless!

Anyway here is Miss Golden Doc O'Lena. Look at the ass on her!! Big old QH butt!





I wasn't really looking for her or any other, but I met the old owner of Jet, one of my chestnut QH's and he introduced Golden to me and I just liked the way she was put together. She has such fantastic muscles, a super-kind nature and works perfectly so we liked her and home with us she came.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Another lovely horse for your herd! (and I'm down to zero now, very miserable)

Golden, what a pretty name. How big is this one? I've been looking at a lot of horse sites in Canada recently to get a bit of a feel for what costs vaguely what etc,etc, and there are some very long names about aren't there? Some of the names I even recognised from some of your previous posts.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
I couldn't have not bought her either, she is a really good sort. I can't get over how tall Megan is now, look out she will be pinching all your big horses for her own!
How many bales did you end up making this year, here we are down a lot on yeilds because of little rain. I am already sourcing extra haylage for winter..
Yes, excellent choice, even if you don't keep her anyone viewing will fall in love I expect so a good profit there too.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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We had problems this year too with the hay as we couldn't take our first cut till very late - wonderful bumper crop, but after we took it we had no rain for months so no second or third cut. We did 3,000 small squares, 200 large hardcore rounds and 200 softcore rounds. We have a field down right now which will probably bring in about 600 small squares and another small paddock which should bring us 200 bales of bedding. To be honest we do have a nice crop sitting in all the hay fields which would probably bring us in another 2,000 small squares however it is just too late in the season now and we wouldn't be able to get it dried properly, so we will just take a dive on it.

Will you guys be okay for winter? This rain, or lack of, malarky does cause some trouble for us doesn't it!

Well I rode Golden this evening - took her round to my neighbours farm over the road and she is perfect in traffic, appears totally bombproof and really obedient so I am pretty pleased with her.


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21 January 2004
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I know - most bizarre eh!
Mind you I do take a lot of time finding just the right ones and I am pretty picky with which ones I end up buying. If in doubt, I walk away......d'you know how long I have been walking!! That's why I bought her even though I didn't need her because I know how difficult I am to please LOL!!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I know! Megan has just become huge overnight!! Seems like since she turned 10 a few weeks ago, she has shot up!

You know I think she will be perfect. I also think that she could make a super English pony and with that huge Quarter Horse bottom she could make a really good little jumper. We'll see how she goes but I think she will be a keeper.


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21 January 2004
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She's 14.2hh, 8 years old. Really nice sort - you know me I like my proper working cattle stock horses. They have proved soooo sane and are happy to do anything you ask of them so I am a firm AQHA/APHA fan!!

I can help you a bit with some of the bloodlines if you are buying working stock Quarter Horses - I have a fair knowledge of what lines are good and what they are suitable for. When are you leaving for Canada?

How do you mean you are down to none?? What about Finn?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Hi Tia,

Yes, down to none. Evie decided, giving me very short notice, that she was not going to take Finn as she worried that he would be frightened on the flight (ha, not likely) and wouldn't adjust to the climate (also ha! unlikely) we did try to talk her around but she was adamant that he wasn't coming. Also, realistically, she has shot up and within 6 months I'd have been looking for something larger. So, after one false start where a buyer really messed us about, we have a wonderful home for him with friends on their farm, 3 girls in our PC and their mother rides too. So, Evie is happy and I'm just relieved that it's all worked out well for Finn and he'll be happy and well looked after there.
Meanwhile, I feel rather as if I've lost an arm, it's been at least 15 years since I have been horseless and it's a very strange feeling.
Having problems with the house over there, but we have an excellent Realtor who really puts herself out to help and hopefully we will still get it, but, just in case, I have been virtual house shopping again, there's a place near Punkeydoodles Corners (which I love the name of) cheaper and no barn but the pasture is fenced and down to grass, unlike this one which is unfenced and down to wheat and corn. Electric fencing on the lawn?

We are out of this house on the 18th, flying out 2 or 3 days later, luckily we have somewhere in Cambridge for now. Once settled we are going to have a real look around and take time to get to know what's what horse wise, also Evie needs to decide if she wants to continue riding. At the moment a puppy seems to rate highly on her list of priorities. Big changes for her as you know, she will take a while to get her head around things I think. Meanwhile I will be prowling about muttering " I NEED a horse...........NOW!" So, you are quite likely to have a complete stranger on the phone asking for advice.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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She looks lovely, and of course, so does your daughter. Doc O,Lena lines are prized here and can cost a bomb. Yep, shes got a lovely butt on her. I have the feeling that shes going to end up Megans property in the very near future!!! Mairi.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Thank you - I think I have already lost her to Megan though, LOL! I am going to pick her up for the school bus stop with Golden this afternoon....as a surprise! Meg will love that.

Doc O'Lena is prized over here too and it was her bloodlines that swayed me; I love the Doc Bar and Poco Bueno horses. What sort of prices do they sell for over there?


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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Will look up some mags re prices and let you know. Are there any Three Bars lines around you? Mairi. Ps, wish my mum had met me off the school bus with my pony..aawwwwww, what a lovely mum you are


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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All the Doc Bar horses come from Three Bars - the vast majority of my horses have Three Bars in their breeding - he was a very influential stallion within not only AQHA, but also APHA and Appaloosa breeds. Certainly produced some fantastic horses.