Missing dog in Somerset


Well-Known Member
3 August 2006
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My rescued Welsh Foxhound broke his lead and ran off on the 21st Sept and I am desperate to find him. He looks like a foxhound only has a heavier build and shorter legs. He is tan and white with a rough shaggy coat. He had on a red collar and disc and still had some of the flexicord lead attached. I would be so grateful if anyone that lives within 20 miles of Yeovil could email me for a poster and put it up round the neighbourhood. Also, because the lead is still attached I am worried that he may get tangled up somewhere so if anyone knows of woods or hedgerows that he might have gone to ground in would you please check. It's a long shot I know but the thought of him being stuck somewhere is just so horrible. My email address is fi.paterson@btinternet.com. Please call me if anyone has any sightings on 01935 841215. I have done the police/dog warden/RSPCA/lost dog websites etc


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
I'm so sorry to hear this after all your hard work with him. Do hope he is found quickly and reunited with you.
Good luck, it's such a horrible experience to go through.
Is there any chance he would have made back whereabouts he came from (before he went to the rescue centre I mean) as they have a remarkable homing instinct?


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3 August 2006
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He certainly seems to be making for somewhere but he was running loose for 3 weeks before he was rescued so I don't know why he would heading back there. He didn't seem to be able to find his way home from there so who knows where he's going. Just away from me I think! I've got a ghastly feeling that he's got tangled up somewhere when he's gone to ground during the day. Been out postering Yeovil again this afternoon and searching through the woods but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Just a thought; do you know anyone that can blow a hunting horn properly?
Perhaps they could help by going to various high points and blowing; only thing is that they would have to keep blowing for some time and stay there even longer just on the off chance that he came to it or was seen in the vicinity. It would be no good if they blew for five minutes then moved somewhere else, the poor hound wouldn't have a clue then. I'm not saying it's a fool proof way of finding him but it could help.


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3 August 2006
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Thanks, it's unconventional but I'll try anything! I don't know anyone but I'll ask around. The trouble is I have absolutely no idea which direction he's gone so we could be blowing horns 10 miles from where he is. This sounds so stupid I hardly dare ask but has anyone had any dealings with pet psychics? Like I said I'll try anything.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2006
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Yes I have done all the usual stuff, he's on every lost dog website I could find and I've sent flyers out to all the vets etc and the police/dog wardens know. I'm getting frantic.....if it rains I'm worried about him getting wet and cold and if it's sunny I'm worried about him getting dehydrated but most of all I'm worried about him getting tangled in his flexilead cord. Does anyone know of incidents where a dog has chewed through these leads if they get caught up?