Mixed day yesterday (long!)


Well-Known Member
9 October 2005
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Off hunting yesterday, first day out completely on my own with my own lorry. :crazy: Boxed up a little late and made my way very slowly to the meet. Was planning to unbox in the nearest village as there is a nice car park where I wouldn't have to reverse!:eek: Took a bit of a wrong turning on the way and had to go through a very narrow lane past parked cars but a nice man walking his dog saw my through.

Unboxed OK and started hacking to the meet (the ginger nag, who was little fresh, jumping the red lines on the road) but due to my complete lack of any sense of direction had to call twice for help and ask a nice farmer!

Arrived a little late but luckily before hounds moved off. :p Had several nice runs across very wet pasture with a few banks and ditches. Ginger nag was very good though a tad strong - he thinks he knows best! But god, it was wet. Ginger nag and I got absolutely plastered in liquid mud and water. About two we moved on and crossed several fields of crops skirting carefully round the edges. As the field were slowing to check, I felt the ginger nag lose a shoe and pulled up (with some difficulty I may add!) to find ginger nag has lost not one but two shoes! So say good night and prepare for a long walk back to the lorry. By this time it had started raining and on inspection once back at the road, find ginger nag's remaining back shoe has moved across and has a quarter clip stuck in his foot :(. I led him a little way and as the adrenalin is wearing off, he is lame as a cat. I am three miles from the lorry.:( :(
Am caught up by another lady who had also had lost a shoe and she offered me a lift in her box to where I am parked. Kiss her feet (metaphorically) and swear undying gratitude. She brings the box round, ginger nag thankfully loads first time, and drops me off and I load and go home.

Tucked up ginger nag and removed remaining hind shoe with much cursing. He now has poultices on three feet - can anyone beat this!!?

Oh, and to top it all I fell down the horse ramp quite spectacularly with the wheelbarrow!

And we do this for fun and pay for the privelige :smirk:


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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Sounds like you had a great day!
Hope you horse isn't to sore & heels quick.
Use to supply hunt staff with horses & at 2nd horses Whipper-in came trotting down the middle of the road. Could tell by sound horse had lost a shoe. Anyway when whip got to us I said when did you loose shoe? I haven't it was like that when you gave it to me. ??????? :confused:
Closer inspection he had lost 3 & a half shoes!???! :mad:
Like Im going to send a horse out like that for hunting!!
Horse was sound though. This chap also managed to bend a pelham one day. Again asked on his return how he managed that & got say reply of "It was like that when you gave it to me" ????? :confused:
He was great for breaking in new saddles half an hour & they were as comfy as hell!


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
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I don't think I can beat that record! Although it is quite close! One of the huntsmans horses (called tara), was being taken away from the hunt as the hunt grooms had just swapped over the huntsmans horses for the 2nd horses. Anyway, the horse, Tara was hacking back to the kennels when she over reached on both of her front legs cutting them both above the fetlock! As you can guess the huntsman wasnot too happy"!