mobile stables


Well-Known Member
18 November 2006
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I have just heard that my planning permission for stables on the field i was hoping to buy has been denied - really gutted!

i had set my heart on it so much even though i tried not to, now i dont know whether to go ahead and buy it anyway and put mobile stables up instead? Theres nothing at all in the field so would need a mobile shelter type thing to store feed and hay in etc.

Has anybody had any experiences of these? good and bad? how do they measure up to permanent stables?

I just hate the thought of turning the field down now, but would do if this was not a suitable alternative.

Thanks very much.


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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cheer up it may not be all doom and gloom, depending what area you in...... i think it is customary to have first application turned down, it may need for you to reapply again....saying that can you not renegociate (sp) the price of the field as you cant get pp for stables


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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A couple of fields by me have recently been purchased - and mobile stables put up. They look very solid and spacious.

Don't turn the field down. Planning regs are about to have a massive upheaval - and this could have an impact on your own requirements ultimately.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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On what grounds has it been turned down because sometimes you can slightly tweek the plans or location and get it passed...have you spoken to the council about their reasons?
I have a mobile field stable, it is a double one so I have one for my horse and one to store his winter hay. In some places you still need planning for mobile ones so I would check that out too. I have had mine for 2 years now and it has been a god send. My horse is stabled at night all year round and it is as solid and stable (excuse the pun) as any permanent stable I know because they are made the same if you go to the right place. I can reccommend Lloyds Acre Stables in Redditch, they have a website and are really good and competitive.
I bought some rubber strip to put on the inside all along the bottom of mine as there would be a gap from the metal skids otherwise and put rubber mats down on the ground to form a non permanent base. I then put a normal shavings bed down and it has been fine...not smelly and no problems other than a slightly un level floor...but my horse does not mind! I been through 2 winters now also in heavt rain and Derbyshire winds! Cannot recommend them enough.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2006
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Pottamus, i take it you don't have a concrete base at all as a yard then? how do you find that, as i was imagining a really messy yard that can't be sweeped if it is just hardcore or similar surrounding it? any solutions?

thanks again


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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I rent the field off a farmer, so he let me have the stable on the proviso that I put nothing permanent down (although I would defy anyone to move my stable without dismantling it!!!). So it was just plonked down on the grass land. The front gets a bit muddied up in the winter just outside his entrance but has never bothered me or him. I just have to tack him up in the stable and lead him out over it. You have to be a bit careful planning wise about putting hardcore down that is visable...because that can attract attention as it did round here and caused someone to have to put full planning in for a mobile stable!
In 'most' places you can get away with mobile ones so long as you have no concrete down in or out of the stable or hardcore.
You could always look into getting some of that special field mesh stuff (I think it is Fieldguard that do it) is okay for horses and would stop the mud...we don't mind a bit of mud!
In answer to the I don't sweep, just keep the stray hay down and he is on shavings so that does not blow around anyway.


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
West Sussex.
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We are just looking into stabling and manages planning permission can still be needed for even mobile shelters too! So again you will have to get down and ask. My advice would be to ring up a stable company who offer help with the planning permission.


Well-Known Member
26 August 2005
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Hello. I have mobile stables and they are brilliant. My horses live out so only used occasionally and with just a straw bed down they are the driest stables i have ever had (as long as they are in a dry part of the field). Re: Planning, Planning officer's lie, they do not need permission because believe me they would have made me take mine down if they could. I would speak to the manufacturers as they know a lot about the planning laws. However be careful as if the field is only classed as agricultural grazing land you will not be able to store anything there and there are also issues with taking supplementary feed on to the land, e.g haylage. Will possibly depend on how awkward your planning department want to be and if you have any complaints from residents.