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Well-Known Member
26 August 2005
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Ultra sound showed a huge mass of Fribosis inside the muscle, caused by significant damage in the past.and she can only assume that is what's causing it..but doesn't know for sure.

She is reluctant to continue because of Sid's behaviour, he is not safe and she said she is doing no favours to his mental health.

If she continues trying to investigate it's going to be a long, slow expensive process or we can have him home and try resting him but it's fairly likely it will never fix.

Has anyone heard about anything similar to this? Can anything be done for dead muscle?


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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oh damn - so it was down to the beatings he's had

is there nothing like ultrasound that is used in human physio for muscles that you could do at home to help the muscle ?

maybe talk to an equine physio ?


Well-Known Member
26 August 2005
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They must have beat him pretty damn hard poor little guy!!

Not sure, I was so shocked by it all I sort of had brain freeze at the time. Mum is going to ring and ask all the things I forgot about!!


Well-Known Member
24 August 2005
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It's awful to think someone could even do that to the poor lad. Hope there is something you can do at home that will eventually improve it all.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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did a quick google on equine muscle fibrosis

seems that surgical intervention to remove the mass is one thing that is done.

a google on muscle fibrosis brings up human treatments and that seems to start off on physio and equine physio

perhaps have a google yourself tonight so that you have some specific questions to ask tomorrow about alternatives.

From what I've seen a simple "it might go away with rest" isn't likely to provide an answer if there is proper necrosis (and necrosis is generally viewed as 'not a good thing')

Also - his pain level at the moment isn't really accptable and he's not happy, so if there is a surgical option it might be worth considering - although that is a hard decision. At least he can't throw a wobbly if he's under anaesthetic !!

Don't view the googling as something to scare yourself with and get all worried by what you read. View it as education and take a step back. You are trying to see what is around. Bit like people who've had doctors over here shrug their shoulders and say 'nowt we can do'. They've gone onto the Internet and found other alternatives from abroad.

There may well be 'something out there' - however I'd bear in mind the insurance companies attitude and sometimes with then it's better to keep going whilst they are funding things than try and go back again in a few months time when they might say 'no!' (specifically check when your policy is up for it's annual renewal - if it is soon then I'd keep going with treatment without a break and sort this out if possible as on renewal they will exclude what has been found - so if you then want to carry on with the vets you'd be trying to fund treatment yourselves.)

fingers xed


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Oh sh!t hun - poor sid! What a horrible life he must have had before you! Atleast you've found the source of the problem now though. Perhaps give him the winter off, out in a field resting, to mentally recover and then re-address it in the spring? *Hugs* to you both xx