Mouth problems


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24 July 2018
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I have currently brought my first horse. She is a 4 year old mare. Although I’ve loaned and worked with youngsters before. I am finding it difficult to ride her. She is contastly chewing and biting the bit (she came with her bridle she was broken in with) she is also fighting my contact. She was in a full cheek snaffle, I tried an eggbutt snaffle but the same outcome. I originally thought it was her testing me but now I am maybe thinking it’s her teeth. I had her vetted and one note the vet gave to me was her teeth may need rasping. However she had her teeth done in February this year. Does anyone have any suggestions to help the situation with her fighting the contact and chewing her bit?


Well-Known Member
27 October 2016
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It would be no harm getting a edt with a good reputation and up to date qualifications out, if you haven't already. I find vets vary so much when it comes to doing teeth.


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25 March 2003
East Anglia
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Youngsters teeth can change rapidly and my vet recommended 6 monthly checks until all adult teeth are through and settled so I'd say time for a re-check.


8 August 2018
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I’d probably try getting the teeth checked again as other have said, and possibly even try a new dentist. That’s not to say yours was bad but a second reputable opinion can’t hurt.

I previously had a project who was similar to how you describe and ultimately it was down to teeth and consistency. In my case, the mare had developed a learned behaviour from tooth problems (at 7 years old she had never had her teeth done) and it took time to school her out of that. As part of my approach, I actually bought a Micklem bridle.

It’s made to be kinder for the horse, and I figured that the new sensation of the bridle along with the bit clips (steady the bit and relieve bar pressure on the mouth) could work to my advantage. I found that in this case the mare did react positively to the new feeling and progressed quite nicely from there. It wasn’t overnight but it was a step in the right direction.

I’m not saying to buy a Micklem nor am I saying it could work as a cure in your case but I’m throwing it out there as another viewpoint. Your mare is young and inexperienced so with any young horse, it’s all about trial and error. Different things work for different horses and at the end of the day you find what works for your horse.

It’s always advisable to rule out physical issues before presuming a learned behaviour and since she’s young, I’d definitely be checking the teeth first.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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At 4 all sorts of things can be going on in the mouth like teeth coming through so I would get someone to have another look, you may have to have a break from using a bit for a while I know I had to when my horse was 4 did similar to what your horse has been doing.