Moving help! :(


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23 June 2013
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I'm planning on moving my thoroughbred mare on Friday, I'm really worried about it all! From loading her to settling her into her new stable. At the moment she's really attached to one field buddy as he's the only one she goes out with! Constantly neighing for him and gets herself really worked up.

Does anyone have any tips and advice on this and things I can do to make it as easy as possible for her?


Well-Known Member
18 January 2012
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I recently moved my thoroughbred because we were relocating. Everything went pretty smoothly, just allow the horse time to settle in it's new environment.

Can you practise getting her into the box before the big day?

I'm sure she will soon forget her field buddy once she is in a new environment. Mine moved from being in a huge field with 15 horses to a much smaller yard. He is very settled, took a couple of weeks but he's totally chilled now.

Don't get too stressed yourself although I totally understand as I was more wound up about moving the horse than moving house!