Moving yard


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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Am a little bit excited - my boy Sid is moving yard tomorrow as he got kicked out of 'boarding school' (the equestrian college where he went to be schooled for 4 months decided he 'was unreliable' because he wouldn't canter on the right leg & sent him home(?????!!!!!) current YO is expecting a baby and is 'downsizing'....anyway this will be the first time I've had him close to me (by that I mean less that 30 miles away!), the yard is small and only 15 mins drive away and is set on 40 acres, just beside the Curragh (famous racecourse)
I'll be able to see him every day & I'm meeting the owner on Saturday morning to discuss his schooling/fittening regime...2 other riding clubbers of my level on the yard which will be good

Hope he settles in ok!


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24 May 2004
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I'd seriously suggest getting an equine massage person to examine him. I do NOT use 'back people' or chiropracters but find an equine physio massage works absolute wonders for horses with this sort of problem.

It sounds like he's tight down some muscles and until that tension is resolved he will not be comfortable and level on both sides (dressage person here so equal sidedness is important to me)

for example - welsh c jumping pony - hangs to left over all jumps and lugs left - takes left knee off on wings over 2nd part of double - turns out that she has muscular problems on rh (offside) and after 2 treatments approx 3 months apart that mare now jumps totally straight. She'd developed problem by being in riding school for 2 years and is only 7 now.

Worth a try and may then let him get fully straight and fit. Sounds like the previous yard have tried to 'force' the issue despite the (probable) underlying problem.

Good luck and I hope it works out for you. Sounds exciting to be in that location and the 'country of the horse'

One day I will visit and ride Irish bred horses in their native country.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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To be honest while he was very one sided when I got him (April) and I got lots of advice from the folks on here, three weeks before he went there I had him getting the right lead on both reins in walk to canter transitions.....(and I'm a really crap rider!!!!). We think that when he was a foal he injured his left hind suspensory ligament (there's a slight thickening that my vet spotted when vetting him) and therefore he only cantered on the lead that was easiest, he was only backed last October and then hunted so never asked to work 'properly' - have done a lot of re-educating him and he had an equine-touch person who came to him ever week during the tough bits - he's short backed and got very sore after a week of PC camp and a PC one-day event and we had a Mctimoney out to him and he checked out fine apart from some soreness in his lumbar (probably caused by the fact that he has a great bascule and when jumping a lot can throw himslef out a bit)

anyway to cut a long story short (too late you cry!!) they booted him out (we suspect) because someone more important came along and their horse got preference....but new yard even has an equissage machine on site (never used before but may help) and they will be schooling him too and seem (fingers crossed) to be very patient with young horses so hopefully by Christmas we'll be flying!

Oh and of course should you ever make it over you'll have lots of Irish HHO folks to visit & Irish horses to ride!!


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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well he landed this morning, owner called me to let me know he had arrived safe and sound and was settling in well. He moved one of his own horses so that Sid could have a stable with a window while he settles (which I thought was a nice touch) and he was very complimentary about him (which always goes down well with me of course!) meeting them at 10 tomorrow to talk through his feeding and schooling plan so fingers crossed....
Planning to sneak out a bit early today to go see him!