Multiple bone chips, near stifle - prognosis?


Well-Known Member
8 March 2009
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Hi there,

My lovely ex racer gelding sustained multiple bone chips near his stifle joint about 5 weeks ago. Lord knows how, vet thinks he has either been kicked or got cast in the stable.

Chips didn't show up at initial X Ray (apparently this is quite common). He was non weight bearing on that leg, vet advised bute and box rest for a week, and after no improvement he had a second X-ray about a week/10 days later where bone chips found. Advised he might need an op, X Ray got sent off to an expert at Leahurst, who concluded that he would not be a suitable candidate for an op due to the number of chips and the proximity to the joint. He advised box rest and bute for 1 month then re X-ray to see how the chips are healing and take it from there.

That X-ray is tomorrow... And I'm feeling quite nervous. He is only just turned 7 and a lovely horse, mainly used for hacking/light schooling and the odd show or sponsored ride.

Does any body have any experience on this? What were the outcomes? Good or bad...

Freshly made flapjack for all!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Nowhere near the joint, but I had a horse with a thumbnail size chip on the cannon bone which like yours did not show for ten days . It was completely separated. It was not operated on and she either reattached it or absorbed it. Very best of luck for tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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Oh no, so sorry for you.

How is he looking walking on his leg and how is he standing when at rest?

Normal to feel nervous, bloomin horses don't know how much worry they give us.

At this stage there is nothing more you can do, I have everything crossed for you both tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
8 March 2009
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Oh no, so sorry for you.

How is he looking walking on his leg and how is he standing when at rest?

Normal to feel nervous, bloomin horses don't know how much worry they give us.

At this stage there is nothing more you can do, I have everything crossed for you both tomorrow.

Hi LJR thank you for your reply, he's now weight bearing, but when asked to move around he still doesn't seem particularly comfortable. He literally hasn't stepped outside his box for a month so it's so hard to tell. He's probably stiff too! I'd just like to get him to the stage where I can lead him out to graze in hand and build up from there. He's been such a good and patient boy this past month but I can tell he's now getting a bit fed up. Will wait and see what the vet says tomorrow. Thank you for your message X


Well-Known Member
8 March 2009
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Nowhere near the joint, but I had a horse with a thumbnail size chip on the cannon bone which like yours did not show for ten days . It was completely separated. It was not operated on and she either reattached it or absorbed it. Very best of luck for tomorrow.

Thank you for sharing your experiences ycbm, has that horse been able to go back to normal? How much rehab did you do? X


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5 October 2006
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Friends horse had a sequestrium (bone chip) not on stifle, lower in leg but it also reattached or got absorbed and horse is back in work and has no issues. Good luck with the xray


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Thank you for sharing your experiences ycbm, has that horse been able to go back to normal? How much rehab did you do? X

She went back to show jumping and eventing.

I waited until she was sound and gradually brought her back into work. It was a long time ago and I've forgotten how long she was off for, but no more than a few weeks.

I still remember the second x ray though, it was over half an inch long and over a quarter of an inch thick in the middle. She did it in a stable overnight.

Pie's mum

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16 January 2012
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I know of one. He was operated on to have them removed. I think he had 12 weeks box rest followed by walking in hand etc. He was then sold on and I have seen him out competing successfully in workers classes - they were aiming him at the county shows down here so he must have made an excellent recovery.


Well-Known Member
8 March 2009
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Just as an update for all those who posted their well wishes.

Henry had his X-ray today, chips are definitely detached and appear to be improving, though not as quickly they should be. The worrying thing is that effusion (sp) was showing up around the joint area which means that it definitely is affected. X-rays will be reasessed by the expert at leahurst. So all a bit worrying still.

he was a complete idiot being sedated, which did not help!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Just as an update for all those who posted their well wishes.

Henry had his X-ray today, chips are definitely detached and appear to be improving, though not as quickly they should be. The worrying thing is that effusion (sp) was showing up around the joint area which means that it definitely is affected. X-rays will be reasessed by the expert at leahurst. So all a bit worrying still.

he was a complete idiot being sedated, which did not help!

I have my fingers crossed for you. Thanks for the update. It's early days, hopefully the joint will settle and the chips disappear.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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Thank you for the update, it's always interesting to hear other peoples experiences.

I have everything tightly crossed for you, and positive news that he is improving albeit a bit slower than hoped.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
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My welsh D stallion got kicked on the stifle as a 4 yr old, and three bone chips detached from the tibia. One was interfering with the ligament so non weight bearing. Opted not to have surgery as no guarantee of success. Took him home, and box rested him, whilst giving a herbal supplement that would help reattach. had to use a ems machine for muscle wastage, but he was sound in 3 months (was told it could take a year), and never had any problem with the leg. That was 14 years ago.....


Well-Known Member
19 February 2012
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Friend of mine had a chip near the stifle removed leg then took severe infection all treated now 8 months later built upto work 1 year on winning show classes and workers.