murphy and the royal welsh


Well-Known Member
22 March 2006
near Swansea
We missed going to the RW due to a freak accident

Wed afternoon i had a call from murphys owner to say he was hurt. When i got down there they wouldnt let me into the field to see him because he was so bad, but when the vet arrived and they gave him painkillers so he could walk i saw him.

it was horrible, he had a hudge gash between his front legs to behind is girth area. It slit between his muscles thank got and missed his nerves by cm. Vet said if hed cut them his leg would have been paralised.
it was a horrible injury really deep, vet tried to stitch him up in the stable but failed so me and karen had to take him to the vet hospital (lucky for us a new one just opened up near carmarthen so we didnt have to go to bristol)

It took two vets a hour to stitch him up. but so far so good, they've stayed in and if hes eating hes feeling better,

We've all searched the field with a fine tooth comb and cant find any sign on where he could have hurt himself, so no explanation. Just hope its not mallicious.

Cant wait for him to come home, he may not belong to me but i love him with all my heart and everyone says weve got that bond.

Will keep you all updated, going to see if me and my mum can go and see him later on today so cant wait

Get well soon Murph