Murphy comes good


Well-Known Member
17 June 2006
Some of you will know my lovely horse Murphy (see avatar) I decided that June that I was not giving him the oppurtunities to compete and enjoy himself that he deserved so approached the Paralympic people to see if they'd like him on loan as they are always crying out for horses. Well after a lot of messing about and almost giving up the first person to see him had him. Which was a shame that it took so long, even more so when I found out that his details had been held for someone who never even bothered to come to see him, and prevented anyone else from seeing him. Anyway thats in the past now and he is really happy in his new RDA and I couldn't be more pleased. Last week he did us all proud by going out and winning his first ever paralympic qualifier for the winter nationals with his young rider. Now Murphy is always the most easy rides you can have but he goes so well for her and it just makes me so happy to see how much they appreciate and love him. So I hope that he goes further for them, maybe all the way?! But it doesn't matter really how many competitions he wins it is nice to see him happy and at the mo with all me other problems it is lovely to go and see him and forget all the rest of the cr*p I have to put up with every day. A bit of self absorbed post but just wanted to share it with you.


Well-Known Member
11 July 2004
Notts, UK
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That's a wonderful story.Long may he continue to be happy in his new home
